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Mirose Grande City is Rikkun’s hometown, so it is only natural for him to find the best places for food. He led me to a cozy and warm American restaurant near the beach with only few customers.

The old music box continues to play relaxing jazz as my ‘date’ fetch us our orders.

“Tadaa~” Rikkun smiled as he landed down the tray full of yummy snacks! “This is their special hidden menu here, the ultimate bacon triple cheeseburger tower in barbecue sauce!”

“Woooow!” My eyes twinkled. This is too good to be true! This burger is as wide as a family pizza and as tall as a one-year-old baby!

I immediately sliced it in half and chomped down my share.

If I eat like a lion, Rikkun is a lot different. He properly observes table manners and uses his knife and fork to eat the patties. He’s like a prince… who quite eats a lot too, actually.

We were only interrupted when we saw something peculiar outside the restaurant.

“I-Is that…”


Just in the sidewalk a few meters from us, there’s a blonde woman (?) holding hand in hand with a buffed-up blue-haired man. The blonde was Eliseo, or rather, Lord Venus in her casual white shirt and blue short skirt. And she’s dating… Heushac!?

As soon as the two lovebirds (?) saw us, they went to the same restaurant and sat on the table adjacent to us.

“S-So, you two are dating, huh?” Venus smirked.

I lost control of my respiratory system. Those ground burger bits on my esophagus clogged my lungs, making it harder to breathe. I coughed five times.

“It’s okay~” Lord Venus’ smile widened. “I will never flirt on Ric-ric again. I already have a new dating partner~”

“Dating partner?” Rikkun’s face is clearly showing disgust as he turned to his best friend. ”What the heck, Heushac. When you said you’re not interested in girls, I knew you would mingle this way.”

“T-T-T-That’s forbidden love, Mister Heushac!” I exclaimed.

Now that I think of it, Heushac is really adventurous. He would always pick an extraordinary relationship. First, he wanted an incestuous relationship with his sister Helena. Second, he kissed Key-chan on the lips, and she’s a minor. Third, he found himself a girlfriend that is a guy… apparently.

“What are you talking about?” Heushac answered. “Eliseo is a girl!”

“No shit, Sherlock.” Rikkun coldly commented with sarcasm.

“You should open your eyes and mind a little! I’ve seen it! She’s a beautiful woman! Look at that bouncing boobs! Back when she used <Nosebleed Paradise> at us, we all saw her womanly goods! And I also saw her treasure when she used her <Love Smash> at me!” Heushac argued like a trial lawyer.

Rikkun and I are lost in words.

Some God Cores have the ability to change the user’s gender, and the Goddess Core of Venus is one of those. But one of the exceptions of those Goddess Cores that transforms into a male version is Necchan’s Goddess Core of Freya, which converted itself to a God Core of Freyr when she passed it to Rikkun. I don’t know how or why they change genders. Gods and Goddesses live on their own rules after all.

“But he’s still a male!” Rikkun shouted. “Once he reverts back, his eggs would return!”

“Did you just assume her gender!?” Heushac is clearly having his blood pressure high.

There’s no use in debating about it.


Rikkun tried all the arguments to slap reality to his friend Heushac, but his best buddy's head is harder than a diamond. So we gave up convincing him. Right after we finished our snacks, Rikkun and I left the two homosexual partners on their own.

The sun is already setting, and the afternoon breeze left us a soothing sensation. If only this setting can calm Rikkun down…

“Aaaargh!” Rikkun scratched his head vigorously as if his scalp is full of itch. “That insistent bastard! He’s such an idiot for not listening to me!”

“Ahahaha… Let’s just respect Mister Heushac’s decision, Rikkun… Let them enjoy the moment. For now, you have to calm down…”

Then there was silence.

We are now randomly walking at the side of the beach.

There was a strong gust of wind that made my long black hair dance. I immediately pinned my skirt so that my crush wouldn't see my cute panty.

I think a light bulb just went bright on Rikkun’s head. He turned at me with a serious expression, as if he’s going to be mad at any moment.

“Tiara… Follow me.”

Then he ran while grabbing my hand.


We went unto some narrow rocky trails on the side of the sea, and finally, we are here at the top of the cliff where we can see the whole Mirose Grande Beach.

The view is so majestic that we can see the golden sun being absorbed by the blue ocean’s horizon. I can see the yellow sun’s rays being reflected by the glittery seas. Dancing waves meters below us clashed to the gigantic sedimentary rocks, making calm music of nature. And the soft breeze here is perfectly mesmerizing. Not so warm or cold.

This place is alluring in all ways.

“Wooow! This place is beautiful!” I cried. “Who knew that there’s this gorgeous view on the other side of the beach!”

There was a hint of a smile on Rikkun’s face.

“I discovered this place three years ago. I would always end up collecting my thoughts here whenever I’m depressed. Nobody has discovered this place yet… This is my secret sanctuary.”

Secret sanctuary? I’m kind of glad that he revealed such a secret place to me, but is it really okay?

“U-Ummm… Who else know this place? Necchan and Heushac-”

“They didn’t know… Because I never told them.”


Rikkun smiled so wide as if it’s about to reach to his ears. He kissed his index finger as he whispered something on my ticklish ear. “This is our secret place. Don’t tell anyone about it, okay~”

Our secret place? This place is just for him and mine, right!?

It’s too sweet!

Hearing those words just made my stomach rumble even though I haven’t fully digested our last snack!

“R-Roger that! This is our secret place! I’ll never tell anyone about it!” I pumped my fist and gave a nervous smile at him. I’m sure my cheeks are like strawberry jam right now…

“Great!” Rikkun replied.

We both sat beside each other, on the rough edge of the rocky cliff.

Nobody is here. Just the two of us.

Only the blowing wind is breaking the silence between us.

This is the perfect time to convey my feelings to him.

I inhaled the fresh breeze as I mustered all the courage I got from my heart.

“Hey, Rikkun…  Is it alright if I get a kiss?…”

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