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Opposite of what Asumi-nee told me, I panicked.

"I-I have to hurry!" I cried. "I have to fix my mistakes! I have to tell him that I love him!"

"Damn right you should." Asumi-nee and Ayano said in sync as they both made the holding-the-hips pose.

I picked my phone and dialed Rikkun's number. But it seems that it wasn't even ringing. He should have turned it off.

I also tried calling Heushac and Miss Awane, but all of their phones are unattended. Are they doing this on purpose!?

"Hello? Is Rikkun there in the house?" I called Key as a last resort.

"No. He went to the supposed 'reception' venue in Evenstouch Restaurant. Don't bother. He doesn't want to talk to you right now."

"W-Why!?" I cried.

"Isn't it obvious?" Key said in a monotone.

"...Auuu…" I held my aching head.  "I-I have to get there fast!"

I hanged the phone and then bolted forward, activating my <Magnum Boost> to run with amazing speed. The red lightning streak was left on my trail as a result.


It was already dark when I finally reached the Evenstouch Restaurant. It is the best five-star eating place in Heightsburg, and their menus are guaranteed to make your wallet empty. Now I really feel like committing suicide. Rikkun worked hard for that confession, and yet… I rejected him…

As I open the door, loud music blasted to my face. Disco balls showered dancing rainbow lights. I thought this was a gorgeous restaurant, but there are bottled beers on each and everyone's hands that it has just turned into a bar!

There are a lot of students here, and all of them are wearing the uniform of Dradecim National High! I remember their faces. The whole Parade Club is here! Even my fellow Idol Club members!

I don't have a face to show them, so I hid beside the counter of the restaurant. But little did I know that a fellow Gate Guardian is taking his sweet time there.

"Oh, Tiara." A deep voice grabbed my attention. It was Benedict the emo kid with thick eyeliners that has a wish of dying after fifty-three hours. He's even drinking quite a lot of beer. "You know you're not allowed here. The Aether Crusade and the Idol Club just signed an operation for a manhunt against you. Consider this as your first warning."

"M-M-Manhunt!?" I shrieked. "A-Anyway, I have to talk to Rikkun! It was a misunderstanding! Where is he?"

"Who knows?" Benedict uncaringly said as he used a spell to wrap ice in his not-so-cold beer.

"M-Mister Benedict! Stop using your powers out in the open!" I sermoned.

"Oh, so should I be more like that idiot over there?" Benedict pointed at the sofa ten meters away from us.

That sofa was filled with girls with scanty clothes. And at the center of the seat is Kristoff. Drunk Kristoff.

"You gals won't believe me, hic! B-But to tell you the truth… I am a Gate Guardian! I fight monsters from different dimensions and save the world from the deadly sins!" Kristoff bragged.

"Wooooow!!!" The girls around her were amazed. To add that up, he magically materialized a bow and an arrow, and he fired at the bull's eye of the dart board.

I can't do anything for his secret now… I just hope his girlfriends are drunk enough to consider his bragging a lie...

I looked around and I saw my fellow Idol Club members playing dangerous games! Miss Awane is at the center, blindfolded, smashing watermelons with her barbed bat! Now there's red fruit blood crawling on the floor!

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