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I don't know if I'm lucky or not on this day. The deadline for the assignment I forgot to make was extended, and the chemistry exam that Heushac stated was easy as pie. I didn't even use my brain to answer those true or false questions.

But in exchange, I will have to see the face of that runt every day, starting today. Jeannette von Noctis. The woman I first loved, and the first to break my heart. She was elegant and adorable, but her attitude is pure rotten garbage. I didn't even know why I became friends with such a creature.

Thank god she is three seats away from me. All I need to do is to ignore her for the rest of the semester, or if possible, my whole life.

During the lunch break, I had the whole nerd squad plus Tiara on the table. We're peacefully having our meal, except Tiara, who was noisily sucking the noodles of her ramen like a pig. But then a horrible incident happened.

Jeannette was carrying a tray of her lunch, and she was busy looking for any vacant tables. When Tiara noticed her, Tiara stood up and called "Nette-Senpai!". Jeannette smiled and then sat beside me.

What the heck did Tiara just do!? Freaking idiot!

Chrisprel, Ranley, Heushac, and Daughty felt my chakra of hatred. They quickly switched to a nearby crowded table together with their food. Meanwhile, Tiara was clueless. Chrisprel then grabbed Tiara to the new table in order for her not to experience my wrath. This is her fault!

Now we're the only person in this table. Jeannette and I. The air is so humid and unpleasant.

Jeannette started to open up a topic. "Oh my, I didn't know that Dradecim National High School is a great place!"


Yeah, keep talking. I won't waste any of my salivae for your worthless blabbing. I know she noticed that I won't reply to anything I say so she kept her mouth shut.

I decided to get out of this worthless place. I stood up, went to the nearest trash bin and put my unfinished meal there. I've lost my appetite.


I went to the rooftop to get some fresh air. But I only enjoyed the peacefulness of the place for only ten minutes. I heard footsteps on the stairs.

"Rikkun! Why did you do that!?" It was Tiara.

"Why do you care?" I paused and clenched my fist. "Yeah, I'm rude to her. So what? Are you going to punch me again? You didn't know what that runt did to me!"

"I'm talking about your food, idiot!" The idiot yelled at me. "You should've given your leftovers to me! You wasted your food!"

I was so stunned because of her. Being called an idiot by an idiot, and that idiot only cared for the food.

Tiara walked to me with her closed fist. I was watching her hands and letting my guard up. I can't afford to stuff my nose with cotton swabs again. But then she used her hands to grab mine.

"Chrisprel told me everything," Tiara said with a smile. "I don't know the feeling of being in love or having your heart broken and feel cheated. I may lack experience, but I know one thing. I believe you have to forgive the person who has done bad things to you. You should let go of your old feelings and build a new one for that person. Because forgiveness is letting go of all the hatred in your heart."

Her hands landed on my chest.

I was amazed and amused by this innocent girl. She makes me feel like I'm the idiot one here. That speech may be corny, but she made a lot of fine points.

Unconsciously, I started petting her head like a dog. She quite liked it, and she's even blushing. So cute.

"U-Um… The bell will ring anytime soon." Tiara nervously interrupted me. "S-S-Shall we go?"


The bell rang from the tenth floor of the campus. Most of the students here started packing their things, but some, like Heushac and I, prefer to chat first. We were discussing the last episode of Invincible Teacher anime.

Jeannette approached me on my right, and I know Tiara is watching us with desperation.

"Hey." Jeannette tapped my shoulder, but I ignored her. We're at the climax of our discussion! Do not disturb!

"Hey, Ric." Jeannette is now pinching my arm. Heushac and I continued our discussion.

"That final boss has Mach 40 speed. But of course, I know that he- ACK!!!"

I was cut by a freaking smash of a notebook at the back of my head!

"STOP IGNORING MEEEEEE!!!" Jeannette roared with monstrosity. Fifty thousand brain cells died due to that attack! My face was slammed on the desk, which made it the scenery for all my classmates.

When I lifted my head and looked at the angry runt, I noticed that her face is a little strawberry. She's not used to being disregarded, the same as ever.

"I...I'm sorry… Here's the next volume of the manual. Be sure to read it in your free time." Jeannette's voice slowly went down.

I saw the same notepad she gave me before, but now it was titled Gate Guardian for Dummies Part 2. Wow, this runt is really concerned on my wellbeing.

Okay, let's be clear about this. Tiara's inspirational words earlier didn't affect me a little bit. But I think I have to play along. If I wanted to survive, then I have to act like Jeannette's friend until I can fully fight Eidolons on my own.

I looked at her and muttered "T-Thanks."

"H-Huh?!" Jeannette blushed completely, but she immediately looked away. "A-Anyway, we have to talk. About some private matters..."

Hearing those, Heushac grabbed his bag and rushed to the exit. He knows when to retreat and leave his friend behind.

Now only three of us are left in this classroom. Tiara, Jeannette, and I. I'm pretty sure our topic will be about Gate Guardians again. Maybe our personal talks will come out later...

"Tiara told me that you have been baptized, and now a bona fide Gate Guardian. But you still lack the capability to protect yourself. That is why I have prepared this."

Jeannette showed an application letter, saying that I will be admitted to train in the Kozukata Shrine in Heightsburg City.

Jeannette continued to explain. "Tiara will also be in charge for sharpening your skills. You will train after class and will be living with shrine maidens in Heightsburg for two weeks. Don't you worry about anything else, I will explain everything to your parents. Is that okay with you?"

"I guess…" I scratched my cheek. "I don't have any choice, do I?"

Tiara's eyes sparkled and smiled like a kid. Jeannette smirked slightly. They are happy because I finally accepted their offer. Does it really mean that I'm already one of them? A Gate Guardian, the protector of the world from deities of sins? A magical ...boy?


Jeannette still lives in Mirose Grande City, so she's on the same bus as mine. Tiara's escort won't be needed from now on, since every after class, I will be with the first woman I loved. Please consider that the preceding sentence is in past tense.

I chose the seat nearest to the window, in the third row. There were so many vacant seats, but the runt still chose to sit beside me.

It's been ten minutes after the bus had departed Dradecim City. I preferred to use my idle time on staring a the window but Jeannette grabbed my attention.


I was surprised when I saw her cute face drenched with her own tears. Her face was pinkish red, and she looks so guilty. It seems like she was crying since we had our butts in these seats!

"I-I-I'm so sorry… About two years ago. I know I was so selfish… and evil."

"Yeah, I've forgiven you." I patted her head as if she's my own child. "Stop crying now."

She immediately hugged me tight and muffled her cries on my chest.

I haven't forgiven her for real. I just want her to stop crying. I'm just trying my best to forget those things that happened two years ago. 

The wound she gave me left a scar on my heart.

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