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It was already seven in the evening. I was standing in front of the girl’s room, waiting for Tiara to pack her things up.

As I said before, we will have a slight detour because we’re going to the place of her origin, the Brightmore Town.

We specifically scheduled our visit this Thursday night, and go back here to the hotel before afternoon tomorrow. We would want to avoid staying there for too long because my <Presage> happens on Friday afternoons. Consider this as a tactical way to face our problems and avoid being screwed.

When the door opened, it is revealed that Tiara was already switched to her shrine maiden outfit. She is also carrying a small backpack. “Let’s get going, Rikkun!” She pumped her fists jollily.

I’m quite ashamed of myself. She’s fully prepared for anything that might happen, even for combat. But I… I just have a pair of clothes and pajamas stuffed on a plastic bag. To hide this shameful baggage, I pretended to act like a gentleman by carrying Tiara’s bag. But in exchange, I’ll have my clothes mixed on her things.

When we are about to depart from the hotel, the white van we used during the mall tour is parked in front of us. Macho Steel is on the driver’s seat, and he seems to be waiting for us.

“Hop in!” Macho Steel smiled at us. “You’ll reach the town faster if I escorted you two.”

Tiara and I looked at each other with a smile, then proceeded to go inside the van. Then, our trip to that mysterious town began.


While driving, Macho Steel started to open up a topic… about that place.

“You know, there are rumors that Brightmore townspeople are fans of cannibalism and satanic rituals. They even said that the Illuminati has full control of that place, and naive tourists mysteriously disappear after they spend the night in there.”

“You talk like it’s a haunted town…” I forced a smile to hide my fear.

“Yes, it is. There is even news about them sacrificing a beautiful woman once every decade. They burn them at the stake, like Joan of Arc. And also, that town was in the news two or three years ago, about a Japanese shrine being burned.”

Suddenly I felt a warm yet soft sensation on my left arm. It was the scaredy pup, who just clung me! Her breasts are being compressed on my bicep! I would like to yell, but Tiara is so scared and shaky right now. She’s even mumbling soft cries like “R-Rikkun! I-I don’t want to d-d-die…”

“H-Hey, hey… Stop making stories up… Tiara’s already scared…” I said.

But the truth is, I’m creeped out too!

“There’s no reason for me to scare you. I’m just telling you guys to be careful. You two have superpowers, so I’m quite confident that nobody would try to mess with you two.” Macho Steel made a deep masculine laugh.


After forty minutes, we finally arrived at the entrance of the Brightmore Town. If Macho Steel’s story is creepy, this is the place where you will say “Oh, Macho Steel is wrong. This place is way more horrifying than his bedtime story!”

You can tell it straight when you notice the rusted arc that says WELCOME TO BRIGHTMORE TOWN. It’s crawling with vines that give a witch village feel. There are even thunder effects in this place.

Speaking of the houses… well, the concept of electricity has not yet reached this area. Most of the bungalows have fire-lit lamps beside their wooden doors. There are even ignorant-looking women and children who gazed on their windows as they heard the sound of the van engine.

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