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We’re now in Yami.

In this dimension, the counterpart of the hotel room is a wide rocky field. The soil is dry, the sky is red, and the full moon is crimson as usual.


We can hear a monster’s loud growl from a distance.

“D-Dad!” Eliseo cried as he rushed away. He deployed his bladed boots and skated towards the sound of the noise. I was about to call our friend’s name, but he already left with extreme speed.

The boulders around here are bigger than trucks, so there’s a lot blocking our view. We had to climb up to those rocks to see where Eliseo went.

“There!” Rikkun shouted as he pointed towards the north, about a hundred meters away from us.

The Eidolon can easily be seen from this view. It’s the five-meter humanoid creature with the skull mask and horns like those of a ram. It has two bat wings on its back and has a tail that looks like an arrow. It’s a Level 3 Eidolon.

A few feet away from that monster, is the bald general in distress.

“Die!” He grabbed his pistol and shot the Eidolon’s head three times, but the skull mask just absorbed the bullets like stones in a quicksand. Normal weapons won’t work against Eidolons after all.

“What the-”

“Rrroaaaaaah!!!” The demon swept his hands to Eliseo’s father. In the nick of time, the general managed to block the attack with his arms, but the Eidolon is so powerful that it sends him flying.

“Guh!” The general cried as he rolled on the ground.

Even if he’s now filled with fresh scratches and bruises, he still thinks that he didn’t sustain that much damage. He still has the strength to stand up.

But the moment he looks upwards, the next thing he sees is the claws of a demon, ready to smash his head into a pulp.

“<Drill Kick>!!!”

A roar of the piercing wind echoes! In a speed faster than sound, a flying tornado drill went straight to the demon’s left cheek, which resulted in him to be ejected to the air. Loud rumbling noise echoed around the field as the Eidolon crashed to a faraway boulder.

“Dad, are you okay?” Eliseo lent a hand to his father.

“...Eliseo…” His father muttered. Then he looked away.

Eliseo frowned as he realized that his father refused to take up his hand. But he decided to move on as he looked upon the enemy in front of them.

“Are you guys alright?” I asked as I finally managed to enter the scene. Rikkun and Diadem also followed up.

Eliseo wordlessly turned his back to his father and made a serious gaze upon the enemy Eidolon who is still stuck in the rock. “Tiara… I’ll leave my father for your care. Please heal him.”

“Right!” I pumped my fist and then proceeded to cast <Healing Touch> to the general’s bloodied left shoulder.

The general was certainly fazed when he saw his very own son attack the horrific monster. He finally responded to his son. “E...Eliseo… So you’re a Gate Guardian too, like your mother…”

Hearing that his dad is finally talking to him, Eliseo turned around and made a charming feminine smile. “Yep~”

The general failed to utter any more word. He just had a hint of a smile of joy on his face.

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