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“W-What was that?” I nervously smiled.

“I want you to fight me, Tiara.” Emily gave me a cold gaze.


Her answer is not by words, but by actions. She commanded her tail to stab me, this time, on my Gate Plate. In a split second, I parried the drill, redirecting it to graze my left shoulder. Now my arm is oozing with warm red blood.

“W-Why are you doing this!?” I cried.

“Hey, Emily, stop!” Kristoff scolded, but Emily’s answer is another tail whip! Kristoff blocked the attack using his bow, but the whip is too powerful that he was pushed a meter back.

“Tell me… Emily… Why?” I said.

“Because… Because… I hate you. I hate you for being Alaric’s love! And yet you rejected all his efforts! You are not worthy of his love!”


“Eh?” Kristoff and I gave the very same hanging jaw expression.

“Yes. I’m I’m in love with him… since the first time we met.” Emily frowned, and her eyes are about to unleash sorrowful tears. “Ever since kindergarten, no person has ever made my heart race. I’ve been following Alaric from Heushac’s house, to school, and to his house in Mirose Grande. I even saw you two date in a peaceful sunset! I always wear this maid dress so that he will choose me as his secretary but you… He chose you to be his secretary! Tiara! What a waste of love! So now, I have decided that I will confess to him. I will confess to him by defeating you first!”

“What the heck... That asshole will reject you anyway...” Kristoff scratched his head.

“That’s what I wanted him to do! I want him to verbally abuse and roast me! Aaaah! Oh my, Alaric!” Now Emily is drooling with her perverted facial expression. After a second, she shifted again to a pissed mood and stared at me. “All I want is for him to notice me… and I will achieve that if I defeat you, Tiara Hikari!”

Her echoing shout is full of willpower.

Does that really mean that Emily’s feelings for Rikkun are true? Her admiration for Rikkun is commendable, and I’m sure she’s worthy of Rikkun’s love, provided that she never gets rejected. She’s so unlike me, who let my love die and suffer for seven million timelines...

“Stop wasting time.” Kristoff said. “We have to find others.”

“Mister Kristoff…” I shook my head to our archer. “It’s fine. I understand what she’s trying to say. I shall take up her offer and prove to her that Rikkun’s confession to me was never in vain in the first place.”

“What the freaking crap are you two saying...” Kristoff sighed, a sign of him giving up. He must have known that words won’t affect us two. “Fine. Just don’t take long. I’ll sneak up and search for Heushac, Benedict, and Drex.”

“Right. I’m sorry to trouble you, Mister Kristoff.” I bowed.

Kristoff just nodded, and then enhanced his speed with electrifying <Magnum Boost> before he ran away from the scene.

“So you are accepting my challenge, Tiara.” Emily made a kung fu stance, with her tail on standby, like a scorpion’s tail waiting for a perfect chance to sting.

“Yeah.” I bumped my knuckles to each other, unleashing a loud metallic clank. “I don’t plan on abandoning Rikkun’s feelings for me. I will show you how much I’m worthy of Rikkun's love! With determination, I will never give up!”

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