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It's lunch break time in our school. Here am I, in the cafeteria, alone with Heushac on the very same table. Amy is still out of town because of work, and Tiara has been busy with her club activities. This is the first time I was surrounded by peace.

Or so I thought. Two of my male classmates, Andrew and Nichols just sat at the very same table with us. If you guys remember, Andrew is the one who went full baldo when he confessed that he was the author of the Cutie Poll. He may have grown some hair now, but his head still looks like a basketball.

"It's surprising that perverts like you would eat with us nerds," I said. "You guys usually eat your packed lunch in the amphitheater, watching the Idol Club dance and hoping that there would be a lot of wardrobe malfunctions or panty shots."

"Whoa there, Mr. Arrogant!" Nichols exclaimed as he forced a smile. "We're not perverted as you think. It's true that we always eat while watching the appetizing girls dance and sing on the stage... But for now, we just want to hang out with fellow guys for a while."

"I doubt it," I said. Heushac affirmed with his silent nod.

"Okay, you saw through us!" Andrew said and then he cleared his voice. "The Idol Club will have a small event here in this cafeteria. They said that the winner of the small game will win a date with one of their members! I want to have a date with Tiara!"

I made a cold glare at Andrew. I don't know why, but I feel pissed when I heard those words. Something must have snapped.

Andrew noticed me having a deadly stare, so he forced a smile while having his head drenching with cold sweat. "O-On second thought, I-I wanted a-a date with A-Awane... Ahahaha!"

"Hands off to the best girl, Andrew. Our king has made a reservation." Nichols said.

Suddenly, every student here in the cafeteria stopped eating when they saw beautiful girls wearing cute pink maid dresses making an entrance. It's what the perverts said. They are the Idol Club.

"Good afternoon, everyone! Are you having a happy lunch!?" The leader of the Idols said with a loud but quite adorable voice. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but we would like you to know that we, the Idol Club will conduct a special quiz! The one who will get the most points will be the lucky guy who can date a member of the Idol Club! And, as a bonus, the lucky guy will come with us on our Mall Tour!"

There are a lot of "Wow!" shouts from the guys. Now, this cafeteria is much livelier.

The cute idols distributed answer sheets to the excited people. Tiara was the one who gave the answer sheets on our table. When our eyes met, she smiled at me with a good luck charm. "Do your best, Rikkun!" She said. Then she went to serve the next table.

Suddenly, I noticed that I got two papers. I was calling Tiara's attention, but she seemed to ignore me on purpose. And that's when I realized that the other paper contains the answers. A cheat sheet.

On the bottom part of the cheat sheet is a certain death threat directed to me in a chiller font. It says:


There are even smiley and heart emojis but it doesn't make it less scary. Anyway, what's the use of a fan-service date if they just wanted to forge the results?


I can't ignore this request. Every guy must be targeting Tiara to be their date. She'll cry if I didn't win this! And also, I don't know what that Miss Awane is capable of doing! I mean, she once threatened me with a sniper rifle and a bloody baseball club!

And also... I wanted to have a date with her too. I still have a crush on her. In fact, if the only Diadem was not her twin brother, we should have been in the third base right now. Just kidding.

"You may start answering the questions!" The Idol Club leader proclaimed.

Then the short quiz to win the title of the Lucky Guy began. Everyone is having a hard time answering the questions. Most guys are either scratching their head or slamming their face on the table.

While me, I don't really have that much trouble answering it. Aside from the first question, the next two are answerable by me without using the cheat.

"Time's up!" Miss Awane said. Upon hearing those, some men groaned because they haven't even tainted the answer sheets with their pen.

"First question! This is easy! How many members does the Idol Club have? ... It's fifteen members, yay! All guys who got the answers stand up!"

Most guys stood up. Heushac, Nichols, Andrew and I (obviously) answered it right. But out of all of us, Heushac is protesting under his breath, something like "H-How come? I just guessed the answer?"

"Second question! This is about me! What is Miss Awane's weapon of choice in a zombie apocalypse!? ... It's a baseball club with barbed wires! All those who got it right, remain standing!"

This time, only 10% of the male population was left. Andrew and Nichols sat down, frustrated and crying. But somehow, Heushac is pulling it off! "I-I just guessed it! It's my weapon of choice too!" He complained.

"Last question! What is Tiara's dream pet!?"

There are some shouts from the back that contains the complaints of the guys. "What the heck are those questions!?" They said. But only a Gate Guardian who has fought alongside her will know the answer!

"The answer is a dragon!"

(Dragon because if you haven't noticed it yet, she only uses dragon-type spells that are based on famous dragons such as Shenlong and Fafnir.)

All of the guys sat in their seats in a disappointed manner. All of us. Except for me. And Heushac.

"I wrote an imaginary creature, and I won!?" Heushac shouted. "All I thought is that dragons are cool! Darn it!"

Heushac is holding her head due to the intense pain of frustration. He's not good around girls, and not interested in them either. His only wish is to get all the answers wrong, but he got it all right!

The Idols led us in front of the cafeteria so that we can be exposed to everyone.

"We have two winners! Alaric Eisenhower and Heushac Efilion!"

The Idol Club leader said. Then she gave each one of us a rosebud. "Give that rose to the one you wanted to date!"

It was my turn first. Of course, the whole purpose of the cheat is for me to choose Tiara. That Awane is serious in making us a love team after all. I made a composed walk and elegantly kneeled while offering this cute rose to the blushing Tiara.

"W-Will you be my d-date?" Crap! This is more embarrassing than the Sleeping Beauty play! I looked away just to hide my blush!

"...R-Rikkun..." Tiara accepted the rose with her face on full red alert. There are even tears of joy gushing out of her beautiful eyes. "T-Thank you!"

I felt that most boys are staring at me due to jealousy. Tiara is a campus sweetheart after all, and I'm a heartthrob too.

Tiara also noticed that there are glares from the girls that are full of envy.

This love team has no future...

Meanwhile, Heushac is taking his time to decide. It has been two minutes, and he can't make up his mind yet. Miss Awane is getting impatient, so she grabbed the rose from Heushac's hands. "I'll be your date, Heushac-chwan~"

"Ewww..." Heushac just made a cringing face. Looks like Awane's adorable flirty voice didn't do any effect at all, and now the "cute" leader of the club got offended. But Heushac added more salt to the wound. "I would like to pull out!"

"To hell with you!" Awane revealed a baseball bat and slammed Heushac's stomach, which launched the poor putrid boy outside the window.

I couldn't care less about that fool. But I'm glad that he's inheriting my rejection techniques.

Anyway, the next chapter will be Tiara and my first official date. I wonder how it will turn out...

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