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Gate Guardian for Dummies extended page 21. God or Goddess Core are special types of non-consumable Quintessences that are properly cultivated inside a heart of a Gate Guardian. These orbs of light can now only be used to transform to a random Mythical God and obtain their special abilities.

For example, Jeannette transforming to Freya will give her an excessive boost to charisma and surround her with aphrodisiac-like aroma because she’s the goddess of beauty and love. She also has the ability to spawn some future-tech gadgets because she’s also considered the goddess of war.

That aphrodisiac aroma explains why it’s hard to look away from those melon-like boobs. I’m not a pervert in the first place. Oh, you have to believe me!


We’re now boarded in a bus to Myrrh City, the home of quality beaches. It is also the home of the Black Cross Legion, which is the head organization of Gate Guardians.

The bus engine has been emitting whirring noise, so we can’t hear our snacks and chips being massacred by the dead hungry shrine maiden.

Tiara’s seatmate is Helena who happens to have motion sickness. Helena doesn’t care about the snacks because she’s trying hard not to throw up. She’s even holding a plastic bag in front of her, just in case.

Unfortunately for me, I’m seated with my childhood friend Amy. I’ll call her by her old nickname from now on because well… the author is too lazy to type Jeannette all the time… Errr… It’s not like she has regained my trust! Well, maybe she regained our friendship a bit because she has tried selflessly saving my butt a couple of times.

Amy has been gazing out the window for a while now, and she’s not on her usual talkative self.

“Amy…” I said her nickname. I repeat, I finally said it.

“Y-Y-Yes?” Amy was really surprised upon hearing her old nickname.

“Something troubling you?”

The blonde loli-looking teenager heavily sighed. “Those Cursed Guardians are already on the move. There are multiple reports of their assaults against Gate Guardians.”

Amy presented me her phone which indicates records of the Cursed Guardians. She showed me the picture of the cloaked man that wears a skull of a wolf, and it has a title of Void Wolf.

“Void Wolf. That’s the codename of the Cursed Guardian who attacked us. Unfortunately, the one who appeared in the Kozukata Shrine; The Outsider, that guy doesn’t fit on any records.” She paused for several seconds, and then looked so serious at me. “But he seems to know you. A lot.”

I felt like she’s accusing me of being a traitor so I forced a smile and waved my hands to wipe off that atmosphere. “I-I don’t know him at all, believe me!” Then I sighed. “He appeared multiple times when I had a <Presage> during my dream. He has been saying nonsense about our fate and something about the Frozen Soul.”

“Frozen Soul… “ Amy’s face was dead shocked.

“Why, what is it?”

“I feel like I’ve heard something about it, but I’m not so sure.” Amy now shifted to a jolly smile. “Don’t worry, there are scholars in the Black Cross Mansion. We’ll know some things about that Frozen Soul thing.”

Suddenly, I heard Tiara’s amazing voice. “Oh, the beach is so beautiful~”

All of us gazed upon the astounding view of the ocean. There are various resorts in a white sand, and colorful umbrellas gave joy to the scenery. And there were the blue seas, touching the horizon that seemingly wants to reach the sun. It’s the dawn of summer.

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