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Seriously, it's not my fault that the hot springs became chaotic. They should even thank me because the boys are no longer possessed by intense evil thoughts. Moreover... I didn't have the slightest intention of destroying the wall!

But as we know, all great things have a sacrifice. That wooden wall that should separate the boys' bath and the girls' bath is the payment. The sacrifice wasn't that worth it, because all the girls are wearing their towels. We didn't see anything worth seeing. Just their thighs.

"Kill them!" My classmate Divina led the charge of women. All our girl classmates made a warcry and threw all the things their hands could grab. Right now, the hot spring is populated with flying projectiles such as wooden basins, soaps, towels, plastic ducks, and even a bald cat!

"What did we do to deserve this?!" Andrew complained as he covered his head with his arms. Every man tried to find cover, and some already fled from the war zone and sought protection from the men's changing room!

"To the changing room! Purge them all!" The leader of the feminazis pointed towards our only means of exit!

Thanks to my Guardian Ability <Presage>, I was able to dodge all the projectiles. I also managed to be stealthy, hiding behind rocks and submerging everytime some girls compromise my position.

According to my future sight, most of the girls will be raiding the men's locker room, so using it as an escape route would be impossible.

The only way to evade this mess (That I created accidentally) was to go through the women's changing room and rush to the lounge. And then I should act like I was going to the hot springs via men's changing room so that I can have the "I was about to take a bath and I'm not at the hot springs when the wall broke." alibi. Damn, I'm so smart!

I submerged like a shark and evaded all the half-naked bodies in the pool. I was able to sneak past them thanks to <Presage>, so I had myself in the women's locker without any problems.

But there was a problem!

There was a lone woman on the women's changing room! And of all the people, it's Tiara! She was holding a towel that prevented me from seeing her naked skin. But when our eyes locked, she was so dumbstruck that she dropped the only thing covering her body!

It was at this moment that I knew that I was screwed. My <Presage> does not include X-ray vision after all.

"B-B-BAKAAAAAAA!!!" She cried. Her fists were engulfed in blue flames!

"W-Wait! You have to hear me out!" I cried. But she didn't chill, even a little bit! She made multiple barrages of punches, aiming for my nose while shouting "Bakabakabaka!!! I will never get married now! Bakaaa!!!"

Thanks to my <Presage> again, I was able to dodge her attacks! However, the shockwaves and flames are making me dizzy!

I have to calm her down! Hey, what do famous boxers do to stop the tension if they are on the verge of knocking out? The only thing I can think of is the Floyd Mayweather style! So I jumped forward and hugged her tight!

Then the ultimate idol's skin became red in just a Planck instant. I could feel her body temperature rise and her rapid-firing beating heart! She burst with a shout!


She made a perfect judo throw and slammed me to an open locker! I crashed upside down, with my head on the floor, and my manhood defenseless! It was so powerful that it made all the muscles in my body hurt! I think I just broke a million ribs! But she didn't stop there! She's charging a golden ball of light from her right knuckle!

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