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That’s the sound of the alarm from a distant megaphone. Then it was followed by an announcement.

“The first part of the tournament has ended! We now have the 32 candidates who will advance to the next round!”

I looked at my chest, and I was surprised that my Gate Plate has not been triggered yet. Atlas’ blade is just an inch away from my chest. If the battle royale lasted even for a split second more, I would have been eliminated. Guess I was saved by the bell.

Atlas wordlessly turned around and walked away.

Suddenly, a gigantic Gate opened in the skies which pulsed and immediately teleported us back to the Earth Realm.


We’re back at the Black Cross Mansion Hall, and there, all the 32 remaining candidates gather. I was glad that Kristoff and Drex managed to advance to the next round. They all greeted me with their smiling faces.

“Eeeeey! You made it, Tiara!” Drex gave me a fist bump.

“I know we can count on you,” Kristoff said.

“Ahahaha… I just got lucky that the time ran out.” I scratched my head with a dumb smile. “A-Anyway, where’s Heushac?”

The two just raised their shoulders with a troubled look. “We don’t know. We never found him.”

“I’m here…”

Heushac went to our side with his tattered white battlesuit and some bruises and scratches. For some reason, he looks like a hobo on house arrest. He looks more beaten up than the three of us combined. And the smell… He smells three times worse than normal.

“What the heck happened to you?” Kristoff exclaimed.

“I got surrounded on the first five seconds, so I fought them until the time ran out.”

“Ey, we got a berserker right eeeer!” Drex said.

Suddenly, the announcement continued. “We will conduct a one-hour break for you to heal up your wounds. Be sure to eat a lot, because the next round will be a ladderized battle tournament! It will be one-on-one, so only the strongest will be able to win the God Core and become the Roman God of War!”

All the Gate Guardians made an echoing cheer around the hall. And then after a few moments, they dispersed into small groups.


I held my chest as I gave an exhausted sigh. I’m glad that we four made it through. But I’m tired already, and there’s still the second round of the tournament. I need a snack, something like a quadruple stack of cheeseburger tower bathed with chili fries, and a jumbo glass of rootbeer float.

“Papa!” A cute voice rushed to us. It was Kristoff’s baby girl, who is running adorably like a penguin! Kristoff happily responded by catching her and hugging her up to his chest.

“That was a great fight, dear.” Naomi entered the scene with her beautiful smile. “We were watching.”

“Just watch longer, my love.” Kristoff smiled. “I’ll win that God Core for you and for our baby.”

Suddenly, all the exhaustion I’m wearing disappeared for the reason that I saw the man I truly love. It was Rikkun who is approaching us, and together with him is Key and Eliseo. It looks like the Investigation Team’s work is done.

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