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“We have to rethink our strategy.” Amy said to us.

We’re almost at the location of the battlefield. I can already hear the explosions, projectile swooshes, and painful screams of the Guardians. The only thing that separates us from that bloody field is this small snow hill. I’m itching to see that mass murderer Diadem, but Amy called all our attention.

“You all know that we have fought Diadem three times, and for all of those, we failed to contain him. I have finally discovered our mistakes. That is why I have made a plan.”

All of us are silent, waiting for her next words.

“Tiara, Ric, Heushac, and Key will take the small fries and possibly Hel if she ever appears. Kristoff, Emily, Drex, and Benedict will take Void Wolf. Ayano and I will take on Diadem.”

“B-But why?” Tiara, Heushac, and I made a complaint.

“A doctor is never allowed to perform surgery on his blood relatives.” Amy stated. “I especially made this plan so that there will be no emotions attached during the fighting. You guys are better if you are battling an enemy that is holding a personal significance in you.”

“You have a point.” I said.  “But are you sure there’s only the two of you who will take Diadem? That guy has a Fake God Core.”

“Who do you think you’re talking to?” Amy chinned up and held her heart. “I’m the Goddess of Beauty and War. I’m more than enough to kick Diadem’s ass!” She winked.

We all want to argue but we think it’s all pointless. She’ll just shut down our arguments like what happened in the underground laboratory. There’s nothing that can stop her now.

“So that’s settled!” Amy clapped. “Prepare your gears, we will deploy in five minutes!”

“Right!” Everybody answered. Then they dispersed to mind their own business.

“Hey…” Amy pinched my sleeve. I noticed that she’s evading eye contact and her cheeks are blushing. “I have to give you something.”

She presented out a box. Looks like a packaging for a ring.

“W-What’s this?” I took the box out of her palm.

“It’s our wedding ring~” Amy held her warm cheeks. “Aaaah~ How many kids would you want to make, my dear Ric~”

“Don’t mess with me!” I dropped it on the ground and angrily made a barrage of stomps, making the box buried under the snow. “This is not the time for this! You said that we will wait until Christmas!”

“H-Hey! I’m just kidding!” Amy cried as she dug in and recovered the ring. Then she forcefully inserted it into my left ring finger. “It’s a Weapon Gem for Field Commanders.”

I focused my prana on the said ring and several hologram screens appeared. Ten hologram screens; each of which has a blueprint of my allies’ and my own body, and information about heart rate, prana pool, and other stats.

“Whoa… Woooow!” My eyes were filled with amazement. “T-Thank you for this, Amy! It’s so cool!”

“Right?” Amy happily tilted her head. Then she pointed at the screen where her heart rate was monitored. “Look how sky high my heart’s throbbing is! It’s all because you’re here with me!”

“Stop flirting.” I made a cold glare. “This is not like you at all.”

“So stingy!” Amy cried.

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