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"W-What was that transformation sequence? Did I really do that embarrassing pose? What happened to Key!?"

These are all Heushac's words as he was surprised by his newly discovered power.

"This is my second Gate Guardian Ability, <Evo Armor>." It was Key's voice! She seems to be magically talking from Heushac's mecha helmet! "I can aid any Guardian by converting all my prana into this exoskeleton suit."

"Cool!" Heushac exclaimed. "I should have shouted 'It's Henshin Time!' or something."

"Oh my hero, please help me~" I exclaimed with sarcasm, acting like a damsel in distress. Right now, I'm getting pinned by the gigantic boar's tusks! All I can do is to push its nose forward so that I could stay alive! I switched to a pissed face. "Stop yanking and do me a favor here!"

"R-Right!" Heushac scratched his head and flew straight to my direction. "I suddenly feel that tremendous amount of energy and information are being injected into my brain!"

Heushac boosted forward to the giant pig. He raised his broadsword in just one hand and charged it with flames!

"<Burning Slash>!!!" In a blink of an eye, a shockwave of flames brushed the enemy sidewards, completely releasing me from its tusks. The boar rolled two times and managed to get back on its feet.

The boar didn't let any moment slip, as it charged multiple dark orbs from its snout and made a shooting barrage to my mecha-friend!

"<Quantum Acceleration>!!!"

The moment when the dark orb projectiles hit Heushac, his body was converted into glitters of light, as if he split himself quantumly to evade the attack! When the barrage ended, all the particles gathered around and reformed it back to Heushac's mecha form!

"Let's finish this, Key!" Heushac shouted.


Heushac raised his sword up high. A glowing photon beam emerged from his sword which shaped into a gigantic laser saber! "<Armageddon Edge>!!!" He shouted as his boosters opened and gave him a lightning-fast speed to make his gigantic slash!

The boar was cut symmetrically into two, and the flesh that was sliced left a burnt residue! The Eidolon never had the chance to cry as it already converted into ashes that evaporated into the wind. All that's left of the monster is the floating Quintessence.

"Woohoo!" Heushac celebrated by flying in circles with his jet-like wings and hot boosters. "This is so cool, Key!"

"Low Power. Deactivating <Evo Armor>" Key said.


Heushac couldn't help but mutter those words as his armor became nothing but balls of light, and reformed itself into an unconscious white-haired girl. Then they will have a hard crash to the earth.

Of course, I was fast enough to catch Key in my arms. But I didn't bother saving Heushac at all. Now his face is buried in the ground.

Concluding that we're done here, I opened a Gate which transported us back to the Earth Realm. There, Amy and Tiara were waiting for us.

"Oh. The concert already finished?" I asked Tiara.

"We just got here. Our concert ended thirty minutes ago." Tiara made a sorry smile. "It took us a lot of time to remove Necchan's catsuit, that's why we're late."

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