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Helena stretched out her mechanical arm as she gladly accepted the three God Cores on my palm. Then she started to chuckle.

“Hahahahahaha!!!” Helena tilted her head backward as she held her face. “Tiara, Tiara. You’re still such an idiot. The survival of Alaric is not yet guaranteed. Look at your dying lover! Look!”

I turned around and cradled the unconscious Rikkun who is heavily catching his breath. His lungs are still not fully healed, so he sounds like an asthmatic. His nervous system is still shut down. He won’t be waking anytime soon. His skin still suffers from a second-degree burn.

“Rikkun…” I caressed his head to my chest. I closed my eyes but my tears made its way out from my eyelids which dropped to his burnt blonde hair. “I’m sorry... Rikkun… I’m sorry…I’m so sorry. This is the only way I can think of to save you…”

Meanwhile, I recognized prana signatures a few meters away from us. There’s three of them. Heushac, Key, and Eliseo. Heushac had his broadsword ready as he shouted his sister’s name.

“Big sis Helena!”

Helena looked momentarily at her baby brother but never bothered to have eye contact for so long. Instead, she kept on talking to me.

“Since I know that you are true with your word, I’ll accept your surrender.”

Helena disabled all her active God Cores, and now, she’s just wearing a tight black bodysuit. I heard her footsteps going away from us, which is usually a good sign. She continued talking with a frown as if she’s sad about what happened to Rikkun.

“I’m seriously touched. Since we’re friends and I see you as my own baby sister, I’ll let you off this time. Do what you have to do in order to save him. I’ll give you one month. After that… You shall gladly offer your life to me.”

“I… I promise…” I bowed.


Helena swiped her fingers to open a Gate. There was a blinding flash, and when the light faded, she is already gone.

“Wait, come back! Big sis Helena!” Heushac cried as he chased his older sister’s last position. But there’s no sign that she’s coming back.

Helena… It seems that there’s still a little bit of humanity on her left. She's twisted, but she can still recognize her past allies. Even though both of her eyes are now crimson red, I think there is still a way to turn her back.

Eliseo and Key approached me and checked on Rikkun’s condition. Key <Biomorphed> her eyes into a laser scanner as she checked for damaged organs. Eliseo then proceeded to cast <Healing Touch> on my worn out body, and he also passed a considerable amount of prana to me.

“H-How’s his condition?” My jaws are trembling as I asked Key.

Key shook her head. “Not good. I’ll tell you the details later. For now, we have to get him to a safe place.”


The only safe place we can think of is my condo unit. I don't think sending him to the hospital is a good idea because, in my humble opinion, modern technology can't treat an injury this severe. They might be able to treat physical wounds, but they are not capable to repair fried prana circuits. Besides, the doctors won't let us interfere with our healing spells.

We had to lay Rikkun’s body on my bed and have Key check his vitals. Rikkun’s flesh keeps on returning to its burnt state so Eliseo and I cycled in turns to cast <Healing Touch> to the affected areas. We did it continuously for a couple of hours.

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