Chapter 33

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Nandini Went inside their room and saw that it was pitch black... It was just the moonlight that was coming and giving her the slight view of the surroundings..

She carefully moved inside the room not wanting to fall and hurt herself...
She reached the bed side table and switched on the star lamp.... whose light was enough to make her have a look at the surroundings and most importantly Manik...

There he was sitting in the corner of the room...
Devoid of any emotions....

He was sitting so lost that he did not realise that it was all dark... today darkness did not affected him... Maybe he was already so vulnerable that there was no more space for More of vulnerability to confind in...

Nandini slowly went and sat in front of Manik ..
She kept her hand on his hand which was resting on his knees...

Feeling someone's touch Manik looked up and saw Nandini...

This was something she was afraid of...his eyes were devoid of any emotions..all she could see in there was blankness...the shine was missing..the peace he had gotten after all these years was again gone... seeing him so lost..she couldn't stop herself from questioning her aayappa...she couldn't stop herself from asking him that why her Manik .... What has this man with a golden heart done Wrong that everytime he has to suffer... why can't he be happy.... doesn't he deserve happiness... finally when he was getting everything he was happy his happiness was once again snatched...

Finally gathering courage Nandini spoke...

Nandini: Manik....

Listening her voice Manik looked at her...

Seeing him like this Nandini could not control her tears...

She opened her arms... telling him..

Nandini: come...

And as if he was waiting for it...he Flung into her a scared child does to his mother....he Hugged her tightly almost putting his entire weight on him...
He bursted into tears....and wailed like a kid.... the ever Strong Manik Malhotra was waling like anything...

Nandini had taken him into a tight hug and was continuously rubbing his back and kissing his hair...

He Cried and cried.... there was no end to his tears... it kills one when people whom you considered your family... for whom you did more than family.... betray you... when they turn out to be selfish and self centred people... when they can't see you happy..... one doesn't feel like living any more... betrayal by the world is still acceptable but betrayal by one's own family... leaves him shattered for his life time.... it makes one loose their trust and belief in relationship.....

Manik: k..yu... Nandini.... why me...kya Mai i...tna Bura H..un..bola I that bad.....sab mujhe ch..od dete hai.... ever..yone is just w..ith me for their own reasons...I am a nob..ody for Mai Kahan g..alat tha...bolo na..i did ever..ything for them.... puri duniya se Lada to pr..otect them....I sacri..ficed my happ..iness for them... phir why can't they see me happy... bolo na don't I dese..rve to be happy....

Nandini kissed his forehead and cupped his face and nodded in no...

Nandini: My Manik is the most purest soul....he deserves all the happiness in the world...he is the best person anyone can get in his Life..... those people don't know what gem of a person they have lost....and who said nobody loves you...mai Hun na...Mai hamesha tumhare Saath Hun.....I am not leaving you kabhi bhi..... those people couldn't value your worth.... it's there lost...

Manik again hugged her tightly...he was just crying and crying.... not stopping even for a minute...

They sat there for hours... seeing him not stopping finally Nandini spoke caressing his hair and kissing them...

Nandini: bas meri Jaan....bas.... Kitna roye gei meri Jaan... they aren't worth your tears... don't waste them for those people...

Listening Jaan Manik broke the hug and looked at Nandini...

Nandini wiped his tears that were continuously Flowing..

Cleaning his tears... she kissed his forehead...

Manik: Dard... bahut Dard ho Raha hai Nandini... yahan...

He said pointing towards his heart..

Manik: it's.. it's not bearable.... please take away my pain... please.... kya tum... can I please forget myself in you... can I ...can I hide myself in your embrace...

Seeing him so broken killed her.... he was just looking like that small innocent child who is just so scared of this cruel word...

Nandini came forward and pecked his lips...

Nandini: you don't have to ask...I am all yours.... hamesha....

And that was it... Manik Stood up and picked her in his arms...

He moved towards the bed taking her in his embrace...

He laid her on the bed and switched off the lamp...

The moonlight was enough for them to see each other's face...

He then climbed on the bed... to claim her once again as his..... though this time he was trying to forget his pain and Nandini was healing him.... but it cannot Deny the fact that today once again she was going to surrender herself entirely to him and he once again with all of him was going to mark her and claim her his....

Tonight once again these two souls were going  to unite..... once again there love will be witnessed by the moon and the stars...

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