Chapter 35

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After catching his Breath Manik lifted his head from the Crook of her neck...
Seeing nandini he thought that she has already slept due to tiredness...

He very gently came out of her not wanting to hurt her....
He kissed her forehead...pulled covers on themselves and took her in his embrace...

Though she was fast asleep according to him he kept caressing her hair and pecking her forehead as if making himself believe that she was with him and was not going anywhere...

The day had been really long and tiring for him as well and when sleep took over him he did not knew.....

It was late in the morning when sunrays disturbed manik's sleep...he looked at the time and found out that it was already 10 ....he found Nandini sleeping peacefully cajoled in his arms....

He felt it strange because Nandini never sleeps till this late how much ever tried she is...

He slowly rested her head on the pillow and laid on the bed facing her side with the support of  his elbow...

He thought to wake her up as it was long she had eaten anything...

He slightly caressed her hair and called her lovingly...

Getting no response he tried again 2-3 times but when she did not showed slightest of reaction....he got worried...

He quickly got out of the bed..wore his tracks and moved to her side of the bed...he slowly patted her cheeks trying to wake her up..... seeing no reaction his worries had crossed the limit...

He took little water from the jug kept there and sprinkled on her face to which she frowned and slowly opened her eyes...

Manik relaxed seeing her awake....

Nandini could not even open her eyes...her entire body was sore and she felt her body numb...

She tried saying Manik but it only came out as a whisper...
If manik's whole concentration would not have been on her...he wouldn't have understood that she is calling him that too he figured out by reading her lip...

He sat beside her and slowly caressed her hair and cheek..

Manik: shh.. love..I am here.. baby... you don't need to speak...I know your whole body must be sore.... you just relax love and let me make you feel better...

Nandini was too tired to say anything and she could hardly open her eyes so without saying anything she went back to sleep...

Manik decided to first give her body a oil massage so that her muscles can relax and after that he would give her a hot shower that will help her to quite an extent.....

He first got the oil From the bathroom and then sat on the bed...

He then removed the duvet From her body and what he saw left him shocked...

He just couldn't believe that he became so harsh on his Baby girl yesterday night...

Her entire breast was badly red with his finger marks...

Her body was full of hickeys and most importantly her lower part....

It was so badly red as if it was burned...

Tear escaped his eyes seeing how Harsh he had gotten on her despite she being pregnant.....

And all this while she was smiling when he was busy literally torturing her...

But he knew it wasn't the time to repent.... it was time to heal her.....

Keeping aside the curses he was throwing at himself...

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