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Scarlett's pov

"Look who decided to show up!!!! The fat ugly cow" someone yelled as i entered the cafeteria. I kept my gaze down and continued walking till counter. "She is so ugly and fat. No wonder her parents hate her." They kept yelling and yelling profanities at me. The voices became louder and violent. I froze. "fat fat fat fat fat ugly fat cow ugly ugly ugly......."

I shot up in bed. Sweating and panting. Another nightmare in a week.
The clock showed time of 2:36 am.
I was looking aimlessly around me as sleep was now long lost friend. I put my fluffy flipflops and walked over my small balcony.

Moon was shinning in starry sky. I loved observing night sky since i was a little girl. It brought me peace. Hope. Calm. Whenever i looked at it, it reminded me of my lovely mother, the only person who loved me truely.
Then my mind wandered to my evil-of-father who started abusing me when my mother passed away.
My mother had last stage breast cancer. She fought hard for years but as it was detected lately her chances of surviving were very low. My father could not take her death and started drinking.He would often come home drunk. In beginning it was okay but after some days he started beating and abusing me. Since i was a chubby child he would often call me names.

Not wanting to overthink i strolled back to my bed. It was 4:17 already.
I went to bathroom. Brushed my teeth and took a nice warm shower. My light brown wavy hair was shinning after i dried it. One thing about me; i really liked my wavy curls which reached till my chubby butt.

I went in kitchen and made some coffee and scrambled eggs. I always preffered light breakfast. After breakfast i put my worn out phone for charging and decided to clean the house little bit as it was dusty. While cleaning my father came to kitchen.

"Where's my coffee you fatty bitch? How many times do i remind you to make my coffee before i wake up??!!" He practically barked at me.

Without any words i hurried to kitchen and prepared him his delicious coffee. Till i did all housework it was 7:30am. Time for high school. I packed myself some sandwich and a chocolate bar and made sure i took all necessary things including phone and i was off to face another unfortunate day of my life.

As i walked inside of school Dylan and his friends blocked my path.

"Going somewhere miss universe?" He smirked and others burst out laughing.

"She can't even walk properly and you are saying her miss universe now thats some ironic shit" one of them commented while laughing.
I stood there trying to refrain myself from crying because of embarassment.

"Fat ass pigs like you don't deserve to be in this school" he joked out and purposefully knocked me down and they walked away laughing loudly.

By now all eyes in corridor was on me and they were whispering among themselves. I quickly gathered all my things and fled to the lockers. Tears were streaming down my eyes till now i but was used to this kind of situations. I got bullied all my life because i am fat.

"Scar" someone shouted so i peeped out to see that was my only friend and bestie lynn.

Lynn knights was only person in my day-to-day life who wasn't awful towards me. To her i was an open book so was she to me. She saw my tear stricken face and hugged me quitely. She did not need explanation of earlier events as she knew why i was pitiful.

"Don't be upset scar i love you . You are perfect you know that"she cooed in my ear.

Calming myself down we both went to our classes as our first class of english was together. The day went in blur since we had all periods and some students were passing comments on my figure but i chose to ignore it.

Lynn's mom dropped dropped me home. I dropped my bag on floor and crashed on sofa. My house was dark and gloomy since my mom's death. We weren't living in large house, it was small and morderately furnished. After resting for a while i went to my room and quickly changed into some cotton shorts and over-sized tee.

I decided to cook dinner since it was already dark. My father was not home yet. Not that i expect him to be home before 11 pm. So now it has kind of become my routine to finish housework in morning then go to school, come home and prepare dinner, eat it and go to sleep.
While cooking my phone started ringing.

The moment i saw the caller ID i lit up with joy. Quickly recieveing the call i exclaimed in excitement,

"Aunt Stella"

I was jumping on my spot. Aunt stella is my momma's sister. She is  like my mother since my momma passed away. She took care of me and always would consider me as my child. She didn't marry and stays alone in Chicago. She always sends money from Chicago because she knows about my condition. She is the reason why we didn't have severe financial crisis. She also pays for my school.

"How are you sweetpea?"She always called me sweetpea.

"I'm fine aunt Stella. How are you? I'm so happy that you called" she giggled on phone.

"I'm good as heaven hun. Is james treating you right? Or do i need to give him an earful?" She asked ,concern evident in her tone.

"He is. He started coming home late recently all drunk and sloppy. By that time i'm asleep. The only time i see and converse with him is morning, not for too long. So there is nothing to worry about" i assured her.

"I'm relived to hear that. Actually i called you to inform that i'm flying to Texas by end of next month. As your academic year is ending i'm thinking of enrolling you in highschool over here" she stated. I was speechless by now and happiness and excitement was overflowing out of me.

"I'm so damn happy you are coming. Jesus, i haven't seen you in ages." I laughed and she giggled. We talked some more and then hung up. I had my dinner and cleaned up the kitchen. I went to my room and locked the door. I slopped in my bed and soon drifted off in sleep.

First chapter is little boring i know. But things will heat up further.

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