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Scarlett's POV

Emily had urge to go to the bathroom so i decided to wait for her near our lockers. There were few students in corridor minding their business. I was keeping books in locker when i felt someone's presence behind me. So i immidiately turned and came face to face with smirking micheal.

"What do you want?" I asked blankly although my insides were flipping with weird sensations.

He raised his eyebrow. "Why are you sulking? Did your fats increase because of over-eating? Oh wait, i forgot you are already a balloon." With that he burst in fits of evil laughter.

Lame ass

"Why are you irritating me? I have done nothing to trigger you now." I asked and resumed my previous actions.

"Well, i saw you today morning when i was smooching my girlfriend." He said casually and came closer so i was sandwiched between the lockers and micheal. Once again i lost my senses and his seductive masculine perfume filled my nose. His warmth was enveloping me.

But his words brought me back to earth.Reminding that scene again made me huff in anger. Can't he seriously mind his own business?! Am already having hard time resisting him.

"What do you mean?" I asked .

"When i was kissing her you were looking at me like you just caught me cheating red-handed." He smirked again.

I blushed deep crimson but contended myself. "Why would i do that? You have nothing to do with me" Liar.

"Is it so?! Your face didn't seem like that in morning." He teased me and pressed his body on me.

"Please back off. You are making this very awkward for me. And why should i care about who you kiss?! Just leave me alone." I was really uncomfortable now.

"Back off?! But your body seems to like it." He gave me an evil look. "Listen whatever your name is-"

"It's scarlett you scumbag." I interrupted him.

"Whatever, scarlett i can tell by your face that something is going on with you. But whatever it is, it must stop. Because you disgust me. I can bearly stand your over-sized and shapeless body." He scoffed.

"What the hell?! I did nothing to you now. I am clearly trying to avoid you. You can't just walk over to me and tell me i'm fat and out of shape. It's my body not yours so stop fucking bullying me you asshole." I looked dead in his eyes.

"I will do whatever the fuck i want. You can't stop me." He barked and walked away.

I sighed loudly and looked around. Emily was standing there with wide eyes. When he left she immidiately approached me. She was about to say something but i stopped her immidiately.

"Don't. Even. Start." I enuciated each word grinding my teeth.

"Ohkayy" she said in defeat. "Come on lets go home." Emily murmured.

I nodded and we went home. Aunt stella was in living room watching tv. I removed my shoes, dropped my bag on table and joined her.

"We will order something for dinner." She said.

I smiled and agreed with her. We ordered thai food. While eating aunt stella spoke.

"Kate called me today. She will be coming over next week." She informed me.

"Who is kate?" I asked in clear confusion.

"Kate is Katherine Lamberts sweetheart."

"Oh-okay. The food was nice."

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