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Micheal's POV

The proximity of our bodies begged to release the beast in me and ravish her like a starved animal i am.

Her heavenly feminine scent gave me a trip to heaven. I wanted to kiss each and every part of her. I wanted to worship her.

The bulge in my pants was getting bigger with each kiss i lay or her delicate skin. Her stiffled moans and groans were adding fuel or already raging flame.

The moment she began thrashing i almost lost my control. She saw it and immediately stilled.

I am sure my eyes were covered in thick fog of lust and desire.

I let go of her immediately at her request before i do anything reckless.

Her petite frame got off bed and started going out. I immediately pulled her down to me. We both groaned when our crotches slammed onto each other.

I made her face me so she was straddling me. I once again started to kissing her neck. She is the drug i wanna get high on.

I don't know why i feel like this. Whenever she talks to other men my blood begans to boil. I want her to keep to myself and hide away. She is far too innocent for this cruel world and i intend to protect her at any cost. Intense wave of possessiveness took over me and my grip tightened. I was never intending to let her go.

I stopped kissing at looked at her in eye with determination. She got confused with my sudden change in attitude.

I held her angelic face in my hands and spoke,

"You are mine scarlett jones. Only mine. And i am not planning to let you go ever."

My voice held possessiveness, determination.

She was mine whether she likes it or not.

Scarlett's POV

As soon as those words hit my ear i jerk away pushing him on bed.

"Who the fuck you think you are?!?! I am not an object to be owned." I was fuming with anger.

His jaw clenched hardly and hands formed into tights fists at my outburst . Fiery anger blazed in his beautiful blue-green orbs. He immediately got up and pinned me to nearest wall.

Every inch of his body was pressed against mine. Giving me butterflies. He gripped my chin with one hand and held my waist tightly with other hand.

"Listen and listen very carefully scarlett. YOU. ARE. MINE." he elaborated each word with gritted teeth.

We made eye contact. His eyes changed to deepest blue i have ever seen. It was like endless dark trench sucking your soul in them. I got lost for a moment but quickly regained myself.

I swatted his hand away and pushed him with all might. He stumbled few steps back. But before i could escape he caged me again.

"I will make you mine and that's a promise. I swear i will kill every bastard that looks at you. I am very possessive of my things sweetie. Don't make it hard for both of us."

What in the actual hell?!!?!!?!?!

"Now you listen to me mr.micheal wilson. I am not yours. I will live my life however i want. I will talk with whomever i want. You don't get say in that. And you definitely don't have any right to claim me as yours because you lost your chance. Do i need to remind you that you humiliated me in front of everyone on highschool prom night?!?! Do i need to remind you that you insulted my love for you micheal. I thought you were different but boy i was so wrong. You actually turned out to be king of demons." I shouted.

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