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Scarlett's POV

I felt as if thunder struck me hard multiple times. This isn't possible. I'm surely in some awful nightmare. This just can't be.

"Hello daughter."his chilling voice sliced through me.

Wake up. Wake up. Wake the fuck up Scarlett.

I rubbed my eyes to adjust my vision. He was still standing there with a pissed off expression.

"Fa-father what are you doing here?! You are not here. You are in jail. This is not real." I whispered mostly to myself.

"Oh but I'm very real sweetie. You thought you could get away from me this easily?!" He chuckled dryly, mocking me.

My brain froze. I wasn't able to process anything. This all seemed so surreal. It was like i was transferred to another dimension where all my nightmares came true. I was suffocating. I was trapped.

This ain't real. This ain't real. He isn't real. He isn't real.

I chanted it in my mind. I wanted him to go away. I wanted to go somewhere where i would be unreachable by everyone. I wanted to be alone.

"Cat got your tongue sweetness?!" The carnation of Satan smirked snapping me out of trance.


My conscience snarled. I didn't know what to do. I sensed another panic attack coming to hit me. I didn't know if i would be able to survive it. My body went in panic mode and i started shaking vigorously.

Suddenly two strong arms snaked me enveloping me into warm and comfortable embrace. It brought the feeling of safety.

"Princess.... Breathe. Please you are panicking again."

His angelic voice hit me like a warm breeze. I was slowly coming back to reality.

After the fog parted away from my vision i saw Michael's face instead of my father.

Yup. I'm definitely dreaming.

I stared at his illusion blankly." I know you aren't real. Go away. Leave me alone." I screeched.

"Shhhhhhhh calm down baby. I'm real and I'm right here infront of you." He comforted me rocking me back and forth.

"Enjoy your time till it lasts Scarlett because next time we meet it'll be your last day in this world. Get ready to meet your mama soon." My dad said in coldest voice i know and he walked away.

Finally my brain registered what was happening and my mind went in complete frenzy.

I began thrashing and wriggling in Michael's arms. I screamed and shrieked. Tears flowed out of my eyes like a flooded damn.

He is coming to get me. He is going to kill me. I have to get away from this place. I need to go.

My survival instincts kicked in and i kicked and punched and scratched the person holding me.

"GO AWAY YOU MONSTER. LEAVE ME ALONE. GET AWAY FROM ME. DON'T COME NEAR ME." I shouted on top of my lungs. I felt something warm trickle down my nose but i didn't care. I focused on getting out of my their grip. My head starting throbbing with a massive headache and my nose tickled.

I didn't know what was going around me. Suddenly someone pinned me to bed and strapped me.

This is it. I'm going to die. My conscience laughed at my face sinisterly.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now