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Thankyou veraxhiqz for all the votes.🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

Michael's POV

I stood there watching her petite figure going into the airport. I already missed her. Her scent. Her smiles. Her warmth.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair making it messy. I sat and in car and drove home.

As soon as i entered home my mother came running down the stairs.

"Hey ma." I greeted.

"You are not in office yet?! That's surprising." She gave me an amused look.

"Yeah. I just went to airport to drop a friend of mine." I said.

"Friend huh?!" She smirked. "I'd love to meet your 'friend' someday." She smiled and hugged me.

I groaned. "Anyways I'm getting late. I better get ready and head to office."i said and walked into my room.

Jack dropped me outside our office building. As soon as i entered the lobby people scurried away from my path. Some greeted me, some nodded their head in acknowledgement and other carried out whatever they were doing with their eyes low in respect.

I always loved how people cowered just by my father's name. He was one of the most dominating businessman in corporate world.

In matter of time i will too reach that level.

I headed straight for my personal elevator without sparing anyone a glance maintaining my business facade.

Once in office i immediately started working. My secretary buzzed in and started explaining my schedule for the day.

But my mind was elsewhere. Or on certain someone. My brain was focused only on her. Her beautiful face. My secretary was mumbling something but i was lost in Oblivion.

".... And the meeting is postponed day after tomorrow. Sir, are you with me?" She asked with a raised brow.

I snapped out of my trance."uh yeah what were you saying?" I said in daze.

"I will email you the schedule for day."she said somewhat amused. I guess because i never loose my attention while working. But it seems that Scarlett is slowly breaking every stereotype i have built.

I nodded and dismissed her to get me my black coffee.

I had two meetings which went successful. Our company will get huge profits out of them if they succeed.

After lunch time i was examining some documents when the door to my office opened and sound of heels clicking on floor resonated through room.

Only one female apart from Scarlett has the audacity to barge into my office unannounced.

Rebeccah Green.

"Hey handsome!!..." She cooed.

"What do you want Rebeccah?" I replied in annoyed tone.

"Aww why so grumpy?! Let me help you to lighten your mood." She said seductively and came around near me.

She trailed her hand down my chest. But i caught it before it reached my crotch.

She pouted. And i glared at her.

"What the fuck you think you are doing?"

"Why are you being such a turn-off. Come on let's Play."she batted her eyelashes and pecked me on cheek.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now