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I'll be doing mentions after the book has been finished. Everyone who voted and commented will be mentioned. It's the least i could do for the support my readers are providing.
So guys keep voting :)

Also I'm gonna finish this book soon. So stay tuned for the next one :D

Scarlett's POV

Silence is all anyone can hear after Michael dropped heartbreaking news on me.

I'm honestly convinced that i did something very very horrible in my past life like killing innocent puppies or torchuring children or cheating on someone. And now I'm getting punished for it. My life is officially over.

Michael looked at me with sorrowful eyes, judged my reaction slowly. But I'm pretty sure i looked black l blank as a white sheet of paper.

"Why?" I whispered staring ahead.

"That bastard stabbed you in abdomen ripping your uterus open. They had to stitch it to avoid internal bleeding. So if you conceive there will be miscarriage or if luckily it stays the baby will open your stitches killing you both in process. So in nutshell you have to abort if you get pregnant. But 90% there will be miscarriage." Michael said in low voice. He took my hands in his and kept his head on my stomach.

So I'll never be a mother now. I won't know the joy of having a child. I won't be able to hold my baby in my hands for first time. I won't witness my child's first step, it's first laugh, toothless smiles, little mischiefs.

Why am i alive again? Oh yeah to witness my own downfall and endless suffering.

He was right. He ruined me. He knew exactly what he was doing. He thought having a child is a curse so he snatched away my chance of becoming a mother. He stripped me off my dreams. I preferred being dear over living this pathetic life.

"Leave."i said turning away.

"Babygirl please don't do this. I know this is hard for you but don't shut me out." He pleaded.

I said nothing and kept staring blankly ahead. What could i say?! I have nothing left. Might as well accept my loss. But Michael doesn't deserve this. He needs someone who will give him a chance of being a father, someone who isn't mentally damaged, someone who has Daddy issues. He deserves better than me.

I wish i had my mother with me right now. I want her to take me in her warm embrace. I want to tell me it's okay. That this is all a nightmare, I'll wake up and everything will be fine. That I'll be able to have a family i always wanted.

When i didn't say anything Michael came and laid beside me and hugged me from behind. But somehow he seemed distant, unrecognizable. I didn't want to be in his presence right now. The guilt was too much so i pushed him away.

"I said leave. I don't want to be in anyone's presence right now."i said coldly.

Few minutes passed in pregnant silence. I could feel his intense gaze on my back. Then i heard a heavy sigh and then shutting of door. I got up and locked it from inside.

"You can't get pregnant."

"You can't get pregnant."

"You can't get pregnant."

"You can't get pregnant."

The words kept repeating in my mind, taunting me. I fell to the floor not caring about the physical pain that errupted when i made contact with the ground.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now