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Scarlett's POV

Bright sunshine woke me up. Aunt stella stood there with a wide grin on her face.

"Good morning sweetpea. Come down fast. The breakfast is ready." She said and left my room.

I was sitting on my bed rubbing my eyes. A huge yawn slipped through my mouth and i glanced at the clock.

10:45 am!!!

Wow! This is first time i'm waking up this late. Not having having school kind of makes me feel empty. Anyways i will irritate lee today.

I quickly brushed my teeth and took shower. Recently i did not have time to pay attention to my hair. Today i made sure that my wavy curls shinned.

After doing my hair i jogged to kitchen. Aunt stella smiled as soon as she saw me. Dad was sitting on a stool near kitchen island reading newspaper and aunt stella was busy frying eggs. So this is what feels like having a normal family morning? Wow i wish this happened everyday.

My father glanced at me more like glared and again turned his attention to newspaper. He was clearly avoiding me. Not that i care too much about it.

"Here honey. Dig in." Aunt stella said putting a plate full of fried eggs and bread with coffee just as i like it. I was smiling as i ate food.

Aunt stella and dad joined me in breakfast afterwards. After finishing up i took plates to sink and quickly washed them while aunt stella was cleaning kitchen.

"So what are you doing today?" She asked while cleaning the kitchen island.

"Not decided yet. Probably hang out with lynn. I gotta tell her i'm moving out." I stated non-chalantly.

"Okay you can go after finishing your task. Just live your life. You deserve it." She told me with eyes full of warmth and appreciation.

Yes i certainly deserve it. I don't remember last time going out with lynn because of my stubborn father. I used to be so engrossed in housework that i totally forgot about happiness and enjoyment part.

I quickly finished washing up and went to my room and called lynn. She picked up at fourth ring.

"Scar, hey my teddy bear what's up" teddy bear really. I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing my barbie doll. Umm i was thinking about hanging out with you today. We can go shopping and to girl stuff."

"OH MY GODDDDDDD!!!!! AM I REALLY TALKING TO THE NERDY SCARLETT JONES??!!" Her high-pitched shout literally shook all the inner parts in my head.

"Jesus christ don't shout. I don't want to loose my hearing capacity this early. I haven't even found my true love yet!!!" I dramatically whinned in phone. I can imagine her rolling eyes at my comment right now.

"Ohh don't be such a dramahead. We are definitely going out. Shopping and eating and lots of fun. So what time shall i pick you up?"she exclaimed with happiness.

"Um exactly after 45 minutes. I will be ready."

"okay. See ya. Love you. Bye" and we hung up. I quickly changed in denim shorts and a tank top with denim jacket. Tied my hair in ponytail and applied some lipbalm and eye liner. There, i was ready to rock the day. Just then aunt stella walked in my room with clutch in her hand.

"Here scar, take some money for shopping." She offered me 100$.

There is no way in hell i'm accepting that. "I have my savings aunt stella, i got it."

She scoffed "just take it sweetheart. Just let your savings be for emergency."

"Just take it scarlett, for once live your goddamn life. You can pay me afterwards okay?"

"um okay, thank you." I hugged her tight and kissed her on cheeks. She was full of love.

Lynn was outside my door yelling my name on top of her lungs in exact 45 minutes.

"Fuck, i'm here. No need to inform whole Texas." I scoffed.

She smirked. I hopped into the car and we were off to explore our day. After exact 20 minutes we reached a mall. Lynn dragged me to H&M. She was literally picking everything she liked. I stood there staring at her. This girl jesus!!

"Are you just going to undress me mentally or gonna pick something for yourself too?" She smirked.

"Eww lynn you are so gross." I fake gaged and chose some black jeans and tank tops.

We literally bought hall of mall. Clothes, make up, shoes, accesories, bags. Our hands were of bags of different brands. I was actually happy for first time in my shitty life. Having a normal life is so cool.

"Scar, look at that boy. He is so hawwttt. I'm gonna ask him out." Lynn was drooling over some random guy who was older and waiting for his order in dunkin donuts in food court.

He grabbed his order and went to a table where a girl was sitting. He placed his order on table and gave her a peck on lips.

I burst out laughing while lynn was annoyed and embarassed as hell. Everyone was staring at us. She huffed and sat on a nearby table. Still laughing i placed my chubby ass on chair opposite to hers.

"Yea big deal. Stop laughing like a maniac." She growled. This doubled my laughter.

"Talk to me when you are done laughing at my embarassed ass." After composing myself i spoke.

"So what do you want to eat? I'm starving." I giggled. It was her turn to scoff.

"I wanna eat burger."

"Okay. I will order."

After placing my order i retreated back to table where lynn was staring daggers at the earlier guy.

"She is gonna betray your ass." Lynn yelled suddenly and everyone including tbe couple turned their attention towards our table.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I whispered yelled to her.

"Whatever" she stated boringly. Our order was ready. We ordered two chicken burgers with loads of cheese and fries with coke.

"Come on cheer up. It's not like he is last guy remaining. Plus he's way older than us baby"

"Yea. What about you. Don't you have any secret crush or something?" She asked.

"Well lynn, you know my sorry life. I am fat and really not good in making friends. So boyfriends and crushes are out of league. But still i believe someone is made for everyone. Hope my 'someone' will be nice."

"You are really a believer girl. I'm proud of you." Lynn stated with a little too much pride.

" Hey I forgot to tell you I am moving to Chicago with my aunt." I announced. Her jaw almost dropped to floor upon my revelation.

" WHAT THE FUCK??!!! WHY?! AND WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME??!!" She shouted yet again.

" Ssshhh, don't overreact my aunt has decided to enroll me for highschool over there. So we will be leaving in 5 days."

"What??!! Five days?!! But we haven't got to hang out even." She whinned.

"It's okay. We can. These five days. Let's get going. I don't want to get late. It's evening."

" okay." She dropped me home. Aunt stella was happy that i spent some girl time relaxing myself. I took all shopping bags to my room and arranged everything. I took shower and changed into comfortable clothes.
Just then my phone beeped.

Lynn: hey!!! I have a surprise for you. Meet me tomorrow. And please don't bug me to tell you because i won't. See you tomorrow at your house. Love you. Good night. Sweet dreams pumpkin :)

Me: okay!! I won't bug you douchebag. Good night. Sweet dreams. Love you too :*

Thank you YashDhadiwal for your support.
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