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Scarlett's POV

There he stood hundred times more good looking than what i saw last time. All the efforts i took to forget him went to ashes in matter of seconds.

Micheal glared me from eye to toe making me feel naked even with clothes on. His eyes went over my stomach and i realized jason was still gripping my back. Then his gaze slowly shifted from me to jason who stood there equally annoyed.

"Who are you?" Jason asked arrogantly. Micheal's anger went from flames to wild fire. He shook with anger. With slow calculated strides he came closer to jason towering jason by several inches. He literally looked like handsome devil released from hell just for me.

"Get your hands off her body." He commanded in awfully calm tone.

"And again, who are you to tell me what to do with my girlfriend." Jason glared back.

That did it. Micheal yanked his hand off me and was about to hit him but i placed my cold palm on his hard, warm chest.




He immidiately stiffened at our contact and so did i. His expressions softened a bit knowing that i was scared.

And without uttering a word he left.

Gone. Just like that.

I was still in state of shock. Jason took me to my house and left after locking door.

I sat on sofa for few minutes absorbing and trying to process what exactly happened. More i thought, more i became confused. So many questions clouded in my mind.

Why was micheal here? How did he find me? Why the hell he reacted that way? Why was he back after six years?!

My head was hurting badly so i went to bedroom and threw myself on bed. I was instantly in bliss.

The loud screeching noise woke me up. It was my stupid alarm again. I groaned in sleep. It sort of became my routine to groan every morning at my alarm noise.

I opened my eyes to see myself lying on bed in my dress. Then yesterday night came crashing into me like boulders.

I groaned again.

After cleaning myself i called Anna for appointments. Tomorrow was saturday so i needed to visit studio.

I loved to dance. It calmed my nerves and became my seventh heaven. I even have my own dance channel where i post all my original works. I also teach dance in my academy. I run it jointly with alex.

He manages weekdays while i take up weekends. Alex is literally a dance god. Every move he performs is so exquisite. Dancing has became his second nature.

I made mental note to call him.

I was going down the elevator when micheal came in my mind. Most imporatnt of all, how the hell did he find me?! I mean it's not like i live in Chicago. I currently live in sydney which is way far away.

Anna was as usual drowned in work. I tapped on her shoulder to get her attention.

"Morning. Send me reports on all three projects" I said.

"Good morning. Coming right up." She replied. I walked into my cabin.

"Uh scarlett?" She called me.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now