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Thank you Caroline426513, lololadpoonamsingla  and all other voters. You guys are my true inspiration. ❤️

Michael's POV

I slammed the door shut and stormed out of the room. I went straight out of the hospital. I stomped to the parking when my phone dinged.

Dad: we're heading home. Your mother is having  mild weakness so we didn't come back. Take care of yourself and Scarlett.

I reply with an 'ok' and sit in my car. My head hurts like hell. I rest forehead on the steering wheel and close my eyes to calm the fuck down.

Scarlett sometimes gives me an unbearable headache.I love her but she is being a bitch right now and if she thinks that I'm gonna leave like like this and give her 'time to think' she is delusional. I'm not losing her. Everytime i see her in hospital my heart clenches painfully in my chest. I'm still scared of the thoughts of losing her. What happened two days ago is still fresh in my mind as if it happened minutes ago.

I had big satisfied smile on my face when i left her house. I sat in my car and gave her one last glance which she returned and i sped away.

My thoughts were still clouded by her loud moans and groans. My dick twitched as i remembered how her pussy suffocated it. Every inch of her body felt amazing. Her plump lips, bouncy breasts and erected nipples, her round, firm ass. The urge to roam my fingers on her body, to kiss every part of her, to fuck her until her pussy becomes sore, to spank her ass black and blue returned with full force. My grip on wheel tightened and my cock  swelled painfully in my pants.

"Not again."i grumbled and adjusted it.

Within minutes i was in my penthouse. I parked my car and hurried upstairs. I threw my clothes carelessly on bed along with my accessories and went into bathroom to have a good shower. I set the dial in cold.

Freezing water droplets poured on me making me slightly shiver. I stood for few moments and waited my erection to calm down. Few moments passed but it was all useless.

The little vixen still lingered in my head and that made more blood to rush to my groin.

I let out a frustrated groan. "Oh for fuck's sake!!!!"

I can't sleep with my dick poking my fucking stomach so i resorted to the last option i had.

With closed eyes i started remembering everything that happened half an hour ago and simultaneously i stroked my cock. Fast.

Her lips on mine......

Her pebbly nipples in my mouth...........

Her wet pink folds on my tongue........

Her tight pussy wrapped around my cock.......

Her round ass bouncing on me.........

Her loud moans.........

"Ah fuck fuck fuck.... Yes Scarletttttt......arrghh ohhhhh" i groaned. My head flew back as i came. I leaned on the wall as i momentarily became dizzy with pleasure.

That woman has tendency of making me cum in seconds. I sighed.

After regaining from my high i stood in shower again. My erection finally settled down. I took the long cold shower and stepped out. As i was dressing in closet i heard my phone going off. I wore my boxers and went out. By then the ringing stopped.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now