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Scarlett's POV

The loud banging on door woke me up.

I glanced at clock.



I overslept.

Dad will probably be pissed off till now. I quickly took shower brushed my teeth and put on ripped jeans and a crop top and sprinted off to kitchen.

There stood my very pissed off dad with you-are-so-dead look on his face. As soon as he saw me he took long strides towards me and grabbed fistful of my hair. I yelped in pain.

"Done with your beauty sleep princess?"he mocked.

"S-sorry dad my alarm didn't go off. I will make you coffee right now."

"Just shut your damned mouth. I haven't kept your fat shitty ass in my house to behave like you want. Next time you fuck up your ugly ass is out of here. Do you understand??!!"he shouted.

Tears were flowing down my cheek. I said nothing just stood there frozen to a spot.

He yanked my hair again and slapped me hard. I tumbled down.No sound came out of my mouth. I sat there crying. My cheek must be black and blue till now.

He leaned down towards me and asked again "Did i make myself clear?"


"Good now get your face out of my sight."

I ran towards my room and locked the door. I went to bathroom and stood in front of mirror. Three fingers were clearly imprinted on my left cheek. It was burning and stinging. I washed my face and tried to cover bruises with concealer. My eyes were red and puffy from all the crying. Fuck my life.

I brushed all the thoughts away and grabbed my things and phone and took bus to college. While travelling i receieved text from my bestie.

Lynn: hey!!! You okay?? You are still not in school. Reply me ASAP.

Me: hey gal! I'm okay. Got stuck with my dad so running late. On the way. Will tell you everything once we meet. See ya soon ;)

Lynn: okay see you. Xoxo

I made it to school pretty late. Nice Scarlett. I mentally rolled my eyes at myself.

Lynn stood there waiting patiently for me. I waved at her as soon as i saw her. She waved me back. She was little surprised when she saw me.

"Oh my god scar, again??!! Doesn't your father have a little sense in his drunk brain." She said angrily. "Those marks look like some animal attacked you!! Are you okay?" She asked with concern

"i'm okay lee, really. I'm used to these things till now. I have accepted my life like this. So it's no major thing. But i tried to hide marks. Does it look that bad?!" I panicked.

"They are still so visible. Probably will fade in sometime,okay? Don't worry lets go. Our maths period is about to start. We already missed first lecture" she said and we both hurried to our classes.

Maths class was boring as usual. And my mind being a great traveller wandered to my past. Those memories are clear as day when i was in 2nd grade i got bullied first time.

Look at her. She is so fat. What if she accidentally sits on us?!! I'm scared."
Someone said.

"she looks like a mini elephant but much more uglier."

And they all began singing, "elepahnt, elephant , elephnat......."

I could not take it anymore so i ran to washroom and cried my eyes out.

When i returned to class they all started laughing loudly. I wanted to hug momma and cry.

The bell rang and lee was staring at me with worried eyes.

"hey are you alright?" She asked.

I gave her assuring smile."Come on let's go, i'm starving."

She nodded and we both walked to canteen since we didn't have our tiffins.

In canteen Dylan was sitting on his usual table holding hands with Ashleigh, a beautiful girl from our class. I secretly wished i had someone who loved me till moon and back.

Calm your houses down. You are not even in highschool yet.

I sighed.

We both ate sandwich and some apple juice while talking girly stuff.

After school lee droppod me home as usual. I followed my usual routine , finished my homework and went to bed.

The month passed in studying as the finals were closing on us.

One month later:

Finally the exams came. I was good in studies so exams were no extra pressure on me.

Today was last paper and i was so happy.

"hey babe. Finally exams are over!!!" Lynn exclaimed happily.

"yup" i replied back popping the P. Just then Dylan and his group approached us.

"I'm so glad i will not see more of your shitty ass face again" he rolled his eyes and others were smirking.

"oh baby don't say such things. The fat cow will cry." One of his minions said sarcastically and this time all of them laughed.

"Leave scar alone you fuckfaces!! Or i will shove your teeth in your ass" lynn growled.

"whatever" dylan said and they walked off.

"ignore them lee" i said bored. We both bid our goodbyes and went to our paths separately.

I was walking home. It was exactly 6:34 pm and sky was filled with all shades of pink, orange and yellow. The dusky atmosphere comforted me.
Birds were retreating back to their nests and cool breeze was flowing.

I put keys in keyhole but the door was already open. My father does not come home early then what is it with door.

I cautiously walked inside and found a figure in kitchen rumagging through drawers. I was a little scared. Every sort of wild and fearful thoughts were running in my mind.

I took a vase from table and cautiously approached the mystery person.

With vase held high in air and ready to strike i asked timidly,

"Who are you?" My hands quivered.

The person turned towards me. As soon as i saw the person's face my mood went from complete fear to complete joy.

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