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Micheal's POV

It is first day of my office as CEO. I was more than enthusuastic to work. As i was scanning through some papers someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I said in stern tone. Sam, my employee peeked his head in.

"Sir, Mr. Lincon is waiting for you in conference room."

"Ok. I will be there in minute." He nodded and left.

After 2-3 minutes i joined Mr. Lincon in conference. He was our one of the old investors from Australia.

The was about age of my father. Silver streaks of his hair were evident along with slight wrinkles on his face. He was about three inches shorter than me. He was smart businessman with polite atitude. He nodded at me as i took seat opposite from him.

"It's good to see you taking over. That old man needed a break. Congratulations by the way." He smiled.

"Thank you Mr. Lincon lets get to business, shall we?" I said in business tone.

"Of course. I am having a little issue with some documents back in Australia. The problem needs to be sorted out as soon as possible. So i have called a meeting of every major stockholder in next week. You need to attend it."

"I see. I will attend it. Email me day and time." I said thoughtfully. He nodded and we got up.

"It is nice doing business with you." He said while shaking hands.

"Same goes with you." We both exited the room.

I had stack of papers waiting for me on my desk. Boy, i need to hire secretary soon. Thinking of Australia this will be good chance to meet scarlett as that's where she is. I cannot wait to look at her reaction when she sees me there. I smirked to myself.

Mr. Lincon's secretary emailed me day and time. Meeting was at wednesday so i need to be there on tuesday.

Rest of day went in me thinking about scarlett. I cannot wait to meet her. The desperation seemed to grow more with passing second.

I finished my work around 7 pm and went home. It was only a first day and work threw itself at me.

I sat in my audi while jack started to drive. I was casually strolling through news when a certain news article regarding me caught my attention.

'Most eligible youngster and handsome devil Micheal Wilson also son of infamous businessman Charles Wilson becomes youngest bachler to take over multi-billionaire company at age of 26. He has become talk of town as he was recently entitled as CEO of the Wilson Enterprises Inc. The sexy devil now is expected to steal the business world just like hearts of millions of women.'

I grinned widely. But i won't let it get in my head as i have to be super careful in this business. As i am new and youngest and also because our company is already very successful my business rivals will leave no stone unturned to take me down. And i'm not letting that happen at any given cost.

We reached home in 25 minutes. Everyone asked me about first day in my office. Dad was pretty satisfied. I told them about meeting in australia. Mom frowned upon hearing it.

"It's not even been 24 hours and you are already planning on business trips." She whined.

"It's actually nice Natasha. He will learn everything quickly." My dad comforted mom."Just be careful on your decisions." He told me. I nodded.

I got freshned up and went down for dinner. Dinner went in casual talks, laughs.

I immidiately trotted to my room after dinner. I haven't checked my phone in ages. As i expected my phone was flooding with messages. Most of them from rebeccah and other group chats and business matters.

Rebeccah was mostly talking about how i forgot her on very first day of my work. Group chat consisted of me being grandpa because i was only one in our group to work. Others were still enjoying their youth. After chatting a while i plugged my phone to charger.

I slumped on my bed, both hands tucked beneath my head. My thoughts wondered back to scarlett. What would be she doing right now? Does she still loves me? Is she still hurt because of me? How would she look in real life? How will she react upon seeing me? So many questions overcrowded my mind. I shuffled them quickly. I don't know about her but i was more than eager to meet beauty who managed to steal my breath upon very first look.

With scarlett in my mind i slowly dozed off.


The stupid sound of alarm pulled me from my sleep. I growled as sunlight blocked my vision.

I quickly went to washroom and took a bath. Today is a big day. Today i'm going to travel australia for my business meeting and also meet scarlett.

I wore a black armani suit and went down to breakfast table. Fresh aroma of coffee and waffles nit my nose and my mouth watered at it.

"Morning honey." My mom chirped in.

"Morning." I replied back whilst my dad nodded.

"Mike, we need to talk about australia before you go so meet me in my office after breakfast." My dad said. I nodded in agreement.

After breakfast i met my dad in office. He gave me basic ideas about meetings although i manage to attend them very smoothly.

Jack opened door for me to go to office. He bowed and drove me to my main building.

"I'm travelling to airport today around 3 so tell pilots to get our jet ready." I ordered him. I was weirdly excited to meet scarlett.

"Sure sir." He gently replied back.

Time went in flash due to all the work i've been bombarded with. After finishing as much as i can i informed sam about my departure. He called Mr. Lincoln about my arrivals in Australia.

We arrived in australia late night. The city of sydney was alive. Indeed a sight to see. My mind wandered to scarlett who'd probably get a heart attack after seeing me.

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