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I'll be mentioning people who gave me good support and appreciated my work.

I'm really thankful to everyone who read my book. As it was my first work there are many mistakes which I'll be correcting while editing.

There are many names. Unfortunately Wattpad does not keep old notifications so I'll be mentioning the readers that i found in my notifications and also few older ones of which i wrote down. If i miss anyone do notify me because I'll mention every name that fits in the criteria that i could find on notifications.

Providencesn, bola1977, tangawizi, NeiMabz, leanne112, user10640760, LeanneDelportAyton, ashleee2019, KaylaSnow123, mkomala, WildRajirosetha, shembugua, zenovia115, Nynyz2319, rainsunicecream, Phoenixbornfromashes, PinkCloud79, mboukam, dalekchick91, Gemtori, Tinamotun, mintynair, srelaya, gracenyamah, PromisePrecious2, tolafunmi, TabbyChampion

These are the names i could find. Among these there are few names that i cannot find- hotmodernchick7699, rackelayers, SkyeMasters, Ljoezlife, fionauya.

Thank you all the readers for being patient with my slow updates. There was once a time when i considered giving up on this novel. I'm really really thankful for all your comments and votes.

Love you my readers.
See you in next book.
Xoxo 🖤🖤🖤🖤

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