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Scarlett's POV

It was a long drive to texas from chicago so i booked flight tickets at literally 6 in morning. Luckily i got them for earliest flight which leaves at 10 am. So i had two hours to get ready. I immediately took shower and wore a long black hoodie and leggins and put on my sneakers.

I packed the slippers i got for lynn in a small bag along with some other things and my essentials. I charged my phone and i was ready to go.

After a good heavy homemade breakfast i was all set. Aunt stella agreed to drop me at airport.

I had a big goofy smile plastered on my face from excitement of meeting my long distance best friend.

She is gonna be so stunned when i visit her. Hope she is home.

After nearly half an hour of driving we reached the airport.

"Have safe flight. Call me when you reach there and sayhello to knight family from me." She smiled and hugged me.

"I will." I grinned. I took my bag and went inside.

I called aunt once i got to texas airport. I hired a cab to lynn's house.

My phone buzzed while riding. It was jason.

Jason: I am so not talking to you. I told you to call me. It's been two days scarlett. Me and anna are worried about you. Reply me ASAP.

Well shit!!

Me: Sorry i got caught up in meeting yesterday so i was unable to contact you guys. I reached safely and am currently in texas to visit lynn. I will text you later when i get home.

Jason: Alright jiggly puff. Have a nice time. Talk to you later. Miss you. ;)

Me: Miss you too. Bye. ;)

I logged off and enjoyed my surroundings. It felt good to be back home after so many years. This place has lot of awful memories but good ones also which are way too important for me.

My mom

Thinking about her brought tears to my eyes. I wish she was here along with my dad. I haven't talked with him for atleast five and half years. I didn't visit him in prison. I never asked aunt stella about him too.

"We are here miss." Driver said breaking my trance.

I got out and paid fare. He drove off.

I grinned when i saw her house. It's been years. Wave of excitement washed over me. I queitly made my way inside as this was my surprise visit.

The door was unlocked much to my luck. It was silent in living room. Means her parents were not home.

I put my bag on sofa and slowly made my way upstairs towards her room.

As i got closer i heard faint moaning sounds coming from her room.

What is this girl upto?

I stood outside her door. Moans were pretty much loud. I pushed open door and my jaw fell to floor.

My great best friend was straddling a guy on her bed and they were busy shoving their tongues in each other's throat.

"OH JESUS. THAT'S A SIN TO MY VIRGIN EYES." I exclaimed loudly.

Upon hearing my voice he pushed her off as reflex resulting lynn to land on floor on her butt and groaned loudly.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now