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Thankyou KassieForrette for voting on my story. Thank you so much 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

Warning: sexual content ahead. Enjoy ;)

Scarlett's POV

"I'm not going and that's final." I shouted for the umpteenth time.

His frown hardened and within a flash he was in my face trapping me with his strong arms.

His hot breath tickled my face and a strong urge to slam my lips on his surfaced my mind.

"And i said that this isn't up for discussion. You are coming back. Whether. You. Like. It. Or. Not." He gritted his teeth at last part emphasizing each word.

I glared at him intensely. "I. Am. Not. Coming."i said with equal intense tone.

He scoffed and his hands crept down to my hips. Then he smirked at me rather evilly and got off me and strode  towards door and locked it.

"What are you doing?" I asked backing away in my bed.

He took slow strides towards me and i cowered away further into the bed.

Instead of answering he climbed onto the bed and pulled me forward and then pushed me down on bed.

He then straddled me and pinned my arms above my head in his strong ones.

"Mi-Michael get-get off." I stammered going all shades of red.

"No. You are being stubborn and disobedient. And so you need to be punished my little princess." He said in husky voice and leaned in to kiss my collarbone.

It took everything in me to stifle moan from all the nipping and licking.

"This is not fair. Let go."i grumbled breathlessly.

Instead of letting go he started placing wet open-mouth kisses on my neck.

Not being able to hold any longer i let out a huge moan and squirmed under him.

He licked and sucked on my sensitive spot behind my ear. I squirmed and wriggled under his hold.

"Stop moving." He said in deep husky, gruff voice.

I stilled immediately because i felt something poking directly into my core. The thin hospital gown did only so much to it.

He groaned and kissed me along my jaw and finally crashed his lips on mine.

It was like i was electrocuted with more than four hundred volts at once. My hands went in his hair and tugged on it while i released a loud moan kissing him.

I began to scratch his shirt clad back and pushed him into me. I raised my hips up to meet his body. He groaned and kissed me more roughly when his hard-on pressed into my dripping core.

Michael pressed himself more into me and began grinding eliciting more moans and groans from me. We never broke the kiss, i was roaming my hands all over his body hungrily.

We pulled away and smirked "looks like someone is enjoying their punishment too much."

I blushed in embarrassment and tried to look down.

"Look at me."he commanded and i snapped up my head to meet his hypnotizing gaze.

We maintained the stare while his hand slowly crept inside my hospital gown. Cold fingers brushed my sensitive skin making me shiver and clench my thighs.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now