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Scarlett's POV

Micheal was busy scrolling through his phone while i was just lost in my thoughts when the door suddenly opened.

A disheveled figure walked in with weak steps. She looked at me and i gasped loudly which captured the attention of Michael.

Aunt Stella looked like a royal mess. Her clothes were crumpled, hair looked like it hasn't been brushed in years and tied hastily, bloodshot and puffy eyes. They showed her sheer exhaustion. Her face has developed many wrinkles which made her look like she's double her age. She looked almost half of her size.Her figure was slightly hunched.

Her eyes watered and immediately tears flowed, my own eyes watered after looking at her.

"Swe-sweetpea?" She said in weak hoarse voice. My heart squeezed painfully and i started sobbing loudly. After a moment i was enveloped in familiar warm embrace. Her feminine smell calmed my nerves down and brought immense relief. Somehow we both started crying loudly. Michael didn't intervene because he knew we needed this.

"I'm thankful to all the lucky stars you're okay. I thought i lost the only family i had." She said between hiccups.

"You're never loosing me." I sobbed back.

After few moments she pulled back sniffling and kissed my forehead. "How're you feeling now? Are you still in pain?" She asked with concerned gaze.

"I'm fine, you don't need to worry." I gave her an assuring smile.

"You're my daughter. I'll always worry about you Scarlett." She said in motherly tone. Her words brought back tears i so effortfully managed to keep at bay for last few seconds. I hugged her again with a big teary smile. She just caressed my head.

My boyfriend was watching everything unfold with a big smile on his face. But it vanished as soon as aunt Stella turned her gaze towards him and threw him a scorching glare.

Uh oh.

Michael's POV

Fuck. I need to get out of here before she castrates and then decapitates me.

"Ummmm I'm gonna go. I'm sure you guys need some alone time." I said chuckling nervously and turned towards door.

"If you even think about escaping Michael Wilson I'll never let you meet Scarlett again." She seethed.

No no no no no.

Shit she's really angry.

Yeah no shit Sherlock.

I sighed heavily and slumped back in chair and discreetly looked at my flower. She was barely succeeding in hiding her laugh.

I'm glad someone is amused from my misery.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" She spoke calmly. Anyone could sense the anger lurking around.

"I didn't want to disturb you. I didn't intentionally do it. Plus after she gained her consciousness one or the other thing kept happening. I've not even informed my Mom and dad yet." I tried to reason.

"Whatever it is, it's still not fair. I was worried sick." She countered.

"Aunt i told him to not disturb you." Scarlett lied.

" Why would you do that?" Stella said confused.

"Michael told me about your condition when i was in icu. I didn't want you to stress yourself so i asked him to call you over when you wake up." She lied again and smiled.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now