Chapter 55

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I'll be posting the mentions in last author's note when the book ends. So worry not every single voter will be mentioned 🙂.

Thankyou all for reading my book. ❤️

Michael's POV

I watched as he stabbed Scarlett in the stomach. I stood there watching helplessly. I felt nothing. Empty. The moment she closed her eyes i was pushed too deep into the endless torment.

It felt as if every wrong i had ever done came back to bite in my ass. As if was being punished for hurting many people. For being an emotionless asshole. The only thing that mattered to me was snatched away in blink of an eye.

His cruel laughter echoed in my mind and shook my soul. I didn't even hear own heartbeat. I was a ghost. Helpless. Pathetic. A fucking billionaire still the most poor human being on this very planet.

I always thought that money brought you everything. Friends. Happiness. A luxurious life. I was always entangled into my reputation that i failed to notice the angel that was my ultimate heaven. I remember the first time i saw her. Her gorgeous eyes widened in surprise and she was absolutely gobsmacked. Of course me being the asshole i was hurt her. I kept hurting her in every possible way. But somehow she wormed her way into my stoney heart. I fell for her and i didn't even realise that. I was a stuck up prick and a coward. I kept pushing her away because i had my shitty reputation to maintain. The moment i saw her swaying carelessly to the song i realised what was i missing. I always thought that whores like rebeccah will be enough for me. But my Scarlett helped me realise how wrong i was. I shouldn't even call rebeccah a slut because i was one too. My angel made me a better man and now she is gone. It's my fault and she paid the price.

I jerked away from my thought chain due a loud thud. James had removed the chain from Scarlett's wrists and her still body was sprawled in pool of blood. Fresh set of tears pooled in my eyes and streamed down my face.

She looked as pale as a ghost. Blood kept oozing out of her wounds. Her burnt arm looked horrible. She was lying on her own bloody puddle.

It looked something straight out of a gory movie. My stomach churned and heart clenched.

James had an extremely satisfied look on his face. "My goal is finally fulfilled my love."he said looking at the ceiling.

"I wish i could kill you but I'm a man of my words so I'm gonna let you walk out of here alive. But you must co-operate with me. I know you brought those pigs with you." He snarled.

I only glared in return. My hands were itching to kill the bastard.

He cuffed my wrists first and then unlocked my chains. My arms were numb and wrists bloody.

"Now we're gonna walk out of here and you are gonna tell cops to keep their weapons low or I'll kill those two shits." He said and held my hands behind my back and a gun on my neck.

I said nothing as we slowly stepped out of the horrible cabin. The sudden intrusion of light blinded my sight first. After i adjusted my eyes to the light i saw that the police were surrounding the cabin. Daniel was standing with a bulletproof vest with Lynn and Matthew on a gun on their temple. They both looked extremely scared and exhausted.

"Let us go or they all die." James screamed to cops.

Lynn whimpered as Matthew was trying to comfort her.

My dad was also standing their with a murderous expression that I've never seen before. I maybe a CEO and billionaire and muscular and all that but i was still afraid of my dad. Heck everyone who knew dad were always walking on eggshells around him except for my Mom. He was the man who took no bullshit from anyone. A threat to his family or business was like signing your death sentence. And right now he was a ticking bomb.

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