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Scarlett's POV

I launch myself in his arms as soon as i saw him. He managed to catch me without falling.

"One of these days you are gonna hurt yourself again. "He scolded but we both know he was smiling like an idiot.

"But you always catch me."i said smiling. He hummed and kissed my neck tenderly. I let myself loose into him.

"If your roadside show is over we can go inside." We heard aunt Stella's amused voice. I immediately detached myself from him making him pout. She grinned at us and motioned us to follow inside.

Micheal pulled me into his side and rested his hand on my ass as we walked inside.

"Stop."i whispered. My plea fell into deaf ears as he squeezed my butt painfully eliciting a hiss from me.

We spent afternoon in my old home chatting and enjoying like a normal family. In meantime Micheal didn't let me away from him even for a minute. He would constantly touch me, kiss me when aunt wasn't looking and holding me all time. I secretly enjoyed his little gestures.

Soon it was time to go home. My bags were all packed up. Micheal loaded them into his car. We said goodbye to aunt Stella and started our ride back home.

"Micheal where are we going?" I asked when he took a turn which led to opposite direction to his penthouse.

"Somewhere."he answered and kept driving. I knew he wasn't gonna tell me so i shrugged it off and waited. Soon he pulled in front of a very expensive looking clothing store. Now i was confused beyond anything.

"Come."he said as he opened the door for me.

"What are we doing here?" I asked as i eyed the giant boutique.

"Getting you a dress for reunion."he said casually.

I stopped walking as soon as i heard him. "Mike I'm not going to reunion."i said nervously.

Now it was his turn to give me a confused glance."why not?" He asked.

"Because it's a part of my horrible past and I'm not in mood to face the old faces." I said.

"You're coming to the party Scarlett. Is you don't come willingly I'll drag you there."he said as he pulled me into the store.


"Shhhh" he said and dragged me further to the reception.

"Hello there. What can i help you with?" A pretty brunette asked eyeing my man. She had a British accent and a gorgeous body.

How typical.

I rolled my eyes.

"My girlfriend over here needs a dress for a small function."Micheal said. The brunette's eyes shifted on me. She gave me a good human scan before shifting back to him.

"Sure."she said and motioned me to follow her.

"What do you prefer?" She asked while examining racks of expensive clothes.

"Nothing fancy."i replied. I scanned the area for something eye-catching but nothing was looking great so far. Micheal was seated onto one of the sofas in the store playing on his phone.

The lady gave me few clothes and asked me to try them. I begrudgingly walked to the changing room. There were six dresses in exact. One by one i tried them on getting a negative from my lovely boyfriend. I was honestly getting frustrated now. I started to look for dress myself as i gave the previous ones to the lady.

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