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Scarlett's POV

I was heading to lockers in my school next day. My mind was completly blank. I was void of emotions.

I was lost in hollow trance until i bumped into something hard. I thought it was wall until hard muscular chest came into my view. I looked up to see micheal staring at me with smirk. Somehow i didn't feel a thing. I just stared at him blankly.

"You still didn't tell me the truth." He said in accusing tone. I just shrugged my shoulders.

His gaze on me was intense. His one hand tugged my chin up gently. Suddenly his lips crashed on mine. This time i froze. For a moment my brain didn't process a thing. Then realization dawned on me.

Micheal wilson was kissing me!!!!!

My one true love was kissing me.

His lips so soft and tender felt like cotton candy on mine. His minty breath and strong yet alluring colonge filled my nostrils leaving me high on him. His biceps were flexing under my palms. I wanted to hold onto him forever. This would me a memory i would cherish till last breath.

By the time my thoughts came to halt my lips were already moving with his at slow and steady pace. My both hands gripping his hard biceps. His tongue licked my lower lip and i involuntarily granted him access. As soon as his tongue discovered my mouth dynamites exploded through me. He tasted like heaven.Every cell in my body ressurected. Feelings came back crashing again.

I heard loud gasps and whispers around us. But i didn't pay attention. I was currently enjoying my euphoria. He pulled out slowly and whispered in my ear,"I promised to kiss you, and i fulfilled it. I am man of my word.You know the thing is you are still a fat whore so don't mislead yourself because of a simple kiss." With that he pulled away and walked away as if nothing happened. My face turned pale red because of embarassment.

The kiss replayed in my mind all over again and my left hand involuntarily traced my lower lip where he licked. A small smile automatically made it's way to my face. It made me forget all the problems i was facing. A perfect distraction.

Rest of the day went in me dreaming of him in various scenarios.


A month passed in blur due to exam preparations. We were permitted study leave one month prior to exams so i spent my whole month studying hard. Studies were a good distraction from my father and micheal. Still i daydreamed a lot about him. My feelings for him heightened 10x more after the blissful intimate moment between us.

Only fourteen days remained for my exams and fifteen for my father to show up. I was prepared mentally for the forthcoming phase of my life. On the other hand i was glad that i was able to complete highschool, atleast i can get a small job if needed.

Today was last day of my exam. I was relieved and anxious. Relieved because exams were over and anxious because tomorrow i was returning back to texas.

I recalled the incident when father beat me with his belt. How i howled, screamed and wailed in pain. He believed that my screams would heal his every scar. I was not even able to move a muscle next day. Blue and black swollen marks covered my body everywhere. I caught high fever due to severe beating. My father eventually ignored me for some days but finally decided to call doctor as he was not settling on doing all the housework.

The memories sent shivers down and every strand of hair on my skin stood up. These incidents put me in hard traumatic state. I would cry for hours. I actually vomited blood one day due to physical abuse. That man was hell bent on breaking me in every possible way. He was successful partially but now it looks like he'd completely tear me from inside out in a matter of time.

After exam i was walking to bus stop when i noticed micheal, his bitch rebeccah and their guardians standing at the main gate staring  at me. Rebeccah was clinging on to micheal's body. I decided to ignore and walked past them. Suddenly someone yanked me back by my hair. Her nails dug into my skin drawing blood and her grip leaving bruise. She pushed me hard and returned back to her boyfriend. I fell on my head hitting badly on ground. For a moment i felt my consciousness slipping away but i somehow got up and made my way to them.

"So i assume you got your revenge." I spoke as tears filled my eyes making my vision blurry.

"Whatever." Rebeccah said dismissing me. I looked at micheal, he immediately averted his gaze.

"You know what, actually don't ever come back again. We will breathe clean air if you just leave city." Rebeccah said with a glare and venomous tone.

"Okay." I whispered while tears flowing freely down my face. I didn't feel embarassed, i felt pity towards myself. I really was pathetic excuse of human being. I looked one last time at micheal who was now staring at me. I probably won't see his beautiful face in my life.

"Fuck off." Rebeccah glared at me again and i started to walk away.

As promised father came to take me away. Aunt stella won't stop crying and apologizing. I packed my things at previous night so i was ready to go. Reluctantly. It was hard to leave as this place had become my golden abode. But to preserve it i must leave. I gave aunt stella one last hug and we both cried for sometime before my father pulled me away forcefully in cab.

As cab got more far from home i felt more vulnerable. This is it. This is where my life and freedom goes. I sighed and closed my eyes which were red, puffy from all the crying. I texted lynn that i'm coming back or to be more correct, taken against my will.

I was silent the whole time till we reached home. The haunting, depressed aura was enveloping the structure. And i was prepared for the worst.

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Love you all my awesone readers.


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