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Scarlett's POV

"Will you be mine forever?" He asked and took out a purple velvet box from his pocket. He opened it to a magnificent ring sitting on a satin cloth inside. Micheal gently took the ring and held it out for me.

I was completely caught off-guard. I didn't know what to say. He was really proposing me. This was my dream come true but I'm too surprised to react. After a moment i know it's all real  and start sobbing pathetically. I shake my head vigorously as I'm at sheer loss of words.

"Ye-yes I'll marry you. An infinite times yes." I shout while crying tears of joy. Micheal gives me widest smile ever and as he holds my hand we are showered with the red rose petals like Stardust. I cry more while he puts ring on my finger.

He gets up and pulls me into the bone crushing"Thankyou sweetheart."he answered.

I look at him with biggest smile i could muster. This was my dream come true. It was like he was cleansing his past mistakes and giving us a new chance again.

I take the mic from him and face the crowd. It was now or never. Seeing my actions Micheal squeezes my waist in encouragement. I take a deep breath and look ahead. It was good thing everything was dark so i could not see the faces.

"Woah...." I started.

"Just yesterday i was part of this school. Yeah i hated this place with a burning Passion because it managed to bring out every negative side of me. It showed me my every flaw. But at the same time this place gave me something which is priceless. An anchor, a soulmate. Agreed my lovestory was not typical Prince charming rescuing his princess. But i wouldn't have it in another way. I wouldn't have him in other way. It feels like just yesterday he was glaring at me and i was crying my eyes out, it all is so surreal. I never thought Micheal would ever love someone like me. But his actions pushed me to become a better person. If he wouldn't have said all those awful things i would be the same vulnerable depressed Scarlett now. I was so damn mad at life, i wanted to prove a point that I'm no coward. I pushed myself to be better, to be confident, to be worthy. It's not about just my physical transformation but about my mental and emotional transformation too. And today it all payed off. I have everything i ever wanted. A family, a loving fiance and a life that i always wanted. And all thanks to the love of my life to make me a better person although you have a real dick way of showing it. Thank you for being with me, for understanding me. I loved you then, I love you now and I'll love you forever and till eternity."

Loud sound of claps and whistles erupted around the room. Micheal gave me a searing kiss in front of everyone making me blush all shades of red. And with a happy smile we descended down the stage. Our ex classmates congratulated us either by hugging us or slapping Michael's back.

"Come on."Micheal said and pulled me to his old group. Everyone except Rebeccah was smiling. But there was this awkward tension in air. Probably because everyone on this table bullied me in one way or another. Emily wasn't looking into my eyes so wasn't Emil. Rebeccah's eyes were focused on my ring. Micheal sat down on one of the chairs whilst i stood behind him. Yes we were not in school anymore but i still had no interest in these people.

"We all need no introduction because you all know my fiance very well considering the fact that we all were her bullies."Micheal started. Everyone looked down while the Queen bee scoffed.

"And it's about damn time we all apologize to her."Michael said.

"It's fine. No one needs to apologize." I said touching Michael's shoulder.

Honestly i prefer to keep my distance with them. Because these people were probably still snakes. And once a snake, always a snake.

"No they have to including Rebeccah."Micheal said.

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