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Scarlett's POV

I was getting more anxious by the seconds. Nico and Ele slept peacefully in their car seat while Micheal was driving with a stupid grin on his face. I sighed and decided to take a nap till we get wherever.

"Wake up baby momma. We are here."Micheal said hovering above me.

I yawned and got out of car. My husband was standing with our babies in front of a grand entrance of an unfamiliar house.

"Welcome to our new house wifey." He cheered with a big smile on his face.

I gawked at him with a stupefied expression. "What?"

"We will be living here with our babies from today." He smiled. I ran to him and hugged him and my kids with tears in my eyes.

"This is the best day of my life." I sobbed and kissed each one of them on cheeks. Nico giggled and drooled all over.

"Come." He said. I took ele from him and we all went in.

As so as we entered we were showered with colorful confetti. Our friends and family were all present with big smiles on their faces. The place was decorated with blue and pink balloons. A huge welcome banner was hanged near the stairs.

Everyone adored our little munchkins. Especially Mom and Aunt Stella. They were glued to Nico and Ele. We even caught Charlie whispering about having another baby on which Micheal shot them a grimace making us laugh and mom blush.

While everyone was busy laughing at playing with babies Micheal took me upstairs. I haven't had time to look around the house. It gave a homely vibe even though it was big for just four people. He led me to the room meant for our babies.

Firstly Nico's. And i was damn happy with the interior. Room was adored with baby blue and light grey shades with wall being blue and grey furniture. A big grey crib was pushed to the left wall. Room was filled with every sort of baby accessories. From toys to the clothes we brought from mall, diapers, baby products like powder, shampoo, necessary medicines, tissues, wet wipes, etc.

"I personally decorated our children's room."he muttered resting his face on my shoulder and wrapping his hands around me.

"This is so beautiful." I whispered and gave him a peck on cheek.

"Come on let's see our baby girl's room."he said and led me to the adjacent room.

The room was Princess style obviously dominated by pink colour and cream and gold furniture. Very girlish crib was kept in the left. This room had everything needed for a girl child. I was in tears again and very proud of my husband.

"Sshhh don't cry. This very day is a beginning of our journey as a family. And i promise you wifey that our children will get every ounce of happiness that they deserve." He said gazing into my eyes lovingly and wiping few tears that escaped my eyes.

"Let's see our room."he drawled out seductively and led me to the room right at the end of corridor beside the nurseries.

By the size i knew this was the biggest and most gorgeous room in entire mansion. Black and royal blue theme gave it a seductive yet homey feeling. The air was thick with dominance and coziness. Our king-sized bed was filled with lots of cushions and  black covers. Walls were painted blue with a massive chandelier hanging in the centre. A soft rug was placed on the hard floor with a glass table in front of the bed and a big plasma tv on the wall. The room had a huge balcony with set of table and chair for lounging. Right under the television was an electric fireplace giving it a royal look. Two nightstands were kept on each side of bed with our wedding frames on it. Next to the tv were two doors. I walked in and opened the first one. I was greeted with an enormous bathroom which oozed of luxury and money. The left wall next to entrance was covered with a gigantic mirror which reflected the whole bathroom. Two sinks which i presume one for me and Micheal were placed right below. A big Jacuzzi was placed in the right and then a shower and toilet. Just like every other room our bathroom was filled with toiletries and all other necessities including tampons, sanitary pads and what not.

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