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Scarlett's POV

Dead silence filled the room. Everyone was waiting for micheal's announcement. Finally he spoke.

"This announcement is for the special person. I'm sure many of you already know her but today i would like to call her on stage and then continue further." Micheal's voice echoed through the hall.

Who is that lucky girl? It's probably rebeccah. Why not me?!-

"Please welcome on stage Ms. Scarlett Jones." His voice interrupted my thoughts.

Upon hearing my name my heart came in my mouth. Everything froze. Did i hear it correctly?! Panic set in my body.

I gulped.

Everyone was looking in my direction. I slowly got up and made my way to stage nervously. Micheal was grinning when i stood beside him. I looked around. All eyes were on me. That made my nerves threaten to explode any moment. I had immense stage fear. Excitement and anticipation was flowing through me. I was eager to hear my darling's next words. He held my hand in his tightly and started speaking. Electricity flowed through us when our skin touched. It felt so right.

"Scarlett, i want everyone to know what i'm going to say next." He smiled softly at me. I nodded so he continued.
"The day when i saw you, those beautiful brown eyes of yours spoke. I thought you were different." He spoke with sweetest voice ever. I heard people gasping. I could not contain my smile, i was grinning like a child.

"But that's where i was wrong. You are just like other chicks who want to be in my pants. Who just swoon over me for my looks and probably money. But you know what i would think of giving those girls a chance except you." He spoke with digust-laced tone.

I was shaken by his words. I wished to crawl in deep hole and never come out. His announcement was to insult me? That's why he was all sweet before?! Why is he doing this? My eyes watered and tears flowed down. People were laughing now. Laughing on my face.

"People are talking about i getting on with you now-a-days so i did this to tell everyone that i don't date hippos. You are just an another bitch, oh i'm sorry just another fat bitch who deserves shit. I am a man with class .Why would anyone date a big loaf of fat?!" He smirked and looked at me.

I tried to free my hand from his but his grip was like lice. He went on with his verbal torture.

"Saying 'i love you' doesn't do shit sweetie. Many hot girls came and left and you are the ugliest of them. And i certainly don't give a fuck what you feel. So next time you try to open your mouth in front of me just remember this night." Just as he finished Rebeccah entered the stage.

She was wearing lavender mermaid gown with purple studs. Her hair was tied up and she was looking amazing.

Rebeccah proudly walked on the stage and stood on other side of micheal and entwined her arm with his. She kissed him in front of everyone and he immidiately complied.

I stood there looking at them. I wanted to run far away from this place and never return. Today micheal broke my heart in true sense and stomped all over it.

After their kiss micheal turned to me and whispered in my ear.

"This is for that day. For blackmailing me and yelling at me, for insulting me in front of other girl." The moment his grip loosened i freed my wrist and ran out of hall.

I didn't see where i was heading. I didn't care whether it was late. I just wanted to go someplace quiet and think. I was in school's backside. I sat on bench and cried till i ran out of tears.

After crying i finally called aunt stella and waited outside school. The road was eerily silent. It was cold outside and i was shivering in my this piece of cloth.

After 10 minutes aunt stella's car stopped in front of me.

"Oh my gosh scarlett, are you okay?! What happened?!" She panicked.

"Nothing. I just want to go home." I replied in very low tone . She led me to her car. I sat on front seat and leaned on window. The car ride was silent. By now my aunt very well knew that i won't tell her anything until i feeling like opening up so she held on to silence. She was very patient with me. I didn't bother changing when i went home. I removed my heels and directly went to bed in prom dress. Darkness consumed me within minutes.

The next morning i didn't do breakfast. I showered and went directly out on bus stop. I told aunt stella that i'm going to school but i was planning to go somewhere less crowdy. So i decided to go near lake.

I took a bus. As lake was outside the city it took nearly 30-40 minutes to reach. The lake was less crowdy and peaceful place. I sat down near a tree and kept my bag aside.

I replayed everything that happened yesterday. Micheal introducing me to his friends. They pretending to be friends with me. Micheal insulting me. Me running out crying.

My life was synonym for hell. Every fucking time people hurt me. I have no friends. Everytime someone insults me i don't defend back. Instead just take in the insult. I have listened to every kind of shit like 'Fat-cat, ugly cow, fat cow, hippo, big loaf of fat, over-sized and shapeless creature, hideous, etc' all my life. For what?! Nothing, absolutely nothing! I have had enough now. From this moment i am letting insult affect me. I lost my trust in things such as ' love' , 'trust' , 'faith' yesterday night. That is it i'm done taking other people's shit. I don't give a flying fuck about micheal anymore. He is the most abusive person I've ever came across. No love. Pure hatred.

I got up after clearing my head and started walking to bus stop. It was 4:45 pm. I reached home approximately after 25 minutes.

We had dinner. I told everything to aunt stella while eating. She said it was alright and i have taken correct decision. After dinner i went upstairs to my room and started surfing youtube.

I saw this video on youtube of house makeover. I thought how about i do course in interior designing. I would surely discuss it with aunt tomorrow.

Alarm clock made me bolt up fron my sleep the next morning. I was fresh as daisy and all excited. I was not that sad little scarlett anymore. I took shower and dressed up in sky blue crop top and denim shorts. I know i had extra belly for crop tops but i don't care.

Over breakfast i discussed about joining interior designing course with aunt stella. She said it was wonderful idea and i am free to choose my career.

"I have a friend who has completed the course and currently in living in London. I will contact him tomorrow." She told me.

"That's great." I exclaimed. "I'm going to school now. See you in evening." I said her good bye and went to bus stop.

After reaching school i hurried to lockers. I heard people murmuring and laughing around me when i entered the corridor. I don't give shit. I took out the books and started walking towards class.

Of course my day won't go easier because the asshole micheal wilson blocked my way.

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