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Scarlett's POV

I stood there. Numb. Staring at the letter which was sent by my beloved father.

Then i started laughing like a maniac. It's funny how fate plays us. Since two years i was under the false impression that I've finally moved on. I used to think that i finally left monsters of my past behind. But today fate is laughing in my face.

The way the universe functions is really crazy. Suddenly i feel myself transported to my childhood.

I find myself sitting in the hospital.

"Please tell me my wife is alright."my dad shouts in desperation. The nurse only passes a sympathetic look towards him and scurries inside the room currently my mom is.

The young me wasn't able to understand the commotion that was going on. I only wanted to see my mother.

"Daddy, where is momma?" I whimper softly. Dad let's out a frustrated sigh and sits beside me.

"Don't worry scar, momma is going to be alright." My dad says it's shaky voice. His eyes hesitant and full of sadness.

I sniffled slowly and he pulled me into his lap.

After sometime the doctor comes out. Dad immediately stiffens and stands up to talk to doctor.

They go into room. I cannot make out the voices. I only sit there silently hugging myself.

Finally the doctor leaves and doctors trails behind him. He looks broken. His shoulders shake with silent sobs. The tears flow down his cheeks.

He crouches down in front of me and picks me up.

"What's wrong?" I ask. He silently takes me to Mom's room.

She lays there silently on bed. She looks paler than usual. Her eyes lack light. They stare emotionlessly to the ceiling. Various tubes are attached to her body. Her cheeks deflated and eyes have heavy bags. She looked like a living corpse.

My body started shaking with tears. My mom who was full of happiness and light was now pale and dull. Waiting for her turn.

"Momma" i whispered. Her eyes snapped to me. A small smile made its way to her lips.

"How are you my baby?"she asks.

"I'm fine momma. When are you coming home? Me and Dad miss you." I whimper.

She doesn't reply. Instead smiles sadly. I give her a confused glance.

"Come on Scarlett. Let your mom rest."my dad says from behind.

I look towards him and nod. He sets me on my previous seat. After few moments doctor and nurses come back.

My dad gives them a stiff nod. They go inside. My father gives me longing glance thick with emotions and follow them.

Let's just say it was the last time i saw love in my father's eyes for me. Although it was close to negligible amount.

I try to control myself and unlock my house. After setting my bags down i go to my room to freshen up. I decide to talk with Michael about letter. So i dial his number.

His phone rings multiple times before it goes to voicemail.

Maybe he is in the meeting or something i think and decide to send him a text.

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