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Scarlett's POV

Fresh air always made me forget all the worries and tension.

Today i decided to jog for extra 20 minutes since the air was cooler than normal.

Sky was faintest blue with tinge of clouds. Sydney streets were covered in blanket of fog. Cool breeze blew occasionally. There was no sound of annoying honks, people shouting, vehicles passing. Comfortable silence was spreaded in all ways.

It made me feel like a free bird. I was free to fly in any direction and enjoy my peace. Certain calmness washed over me like sea waves. I was rejuvanated.

Start of my day was indeed very good. I had a breakfast of waffles and coffee with extra cream. I decided to take chicken sausage rolls and some salad as lunch to office today. I also stuffed some hersheys in my bag and made sticky note of going grocery shopping once i return back to australia sticking it to fridge.

I had to come back today after lunch to pack my belongings. I already told anna that i would take half day so she has to see most of my work.

I wrote a paycheck for anna of this month and put it in my bag. I reminded myself to do give check as first thing once i reached the office.

I locked the apartment door and went to parking for my car. I reached office
little early as there was low traffic today.

I gave anna her check and began inspecting my client's plans for final inspection.

Someone tapped on my shoulder. I jumped. Jason stood there grinning from ear to ear.

"God jason you nearly killed me." I relieved a sigh.

"You were so engrossed in work. It looked cute though." He chirped tapping on my nose.

I smiled. Finally he was back to his bubbling self. Huge weight just vanished off my shoulders. I got up and hugged him tightly.

"Thank god you are normal again. I thought you were gonna sulk for entire lifetime." I pouted.

"It's nearly impossible for me to stay mad at you jiggly puff. You are just so cute you know." He beamed releasing hug. I smirked. God i feel like micheal when i smirk.

Don't go there scar. Hold it.

I heaved a breath and smiled at him widely.

"So what's your plan today?" I asked him hoping he is free.

"On my way to office. Something got my boss's panties in twist. He is barking like dog on everyone since yesterday. I guess his wife denied him his sexual dose." He winked.

I fake gasped and punched his arm."You dirty scum." He smirked. I was little disappointed because i thought we would get to spend some time together.

"Anyways i better get on road. I don't want my boss releasing his sexual frustation on me." He joked and kissed me lightly on cheek.

"Okay big guy. I will call you when i get to airport." I smiled.

"Yeah. I am gonna miss you." He said sadly.

"Yeah me too. Don't worry i won't take too long."

"I hope so. Bye. Take care."

"Bye. You too."

Once jason left i resumed my work again. Soon it was lunch time. Time flies fast.

Luckily anna had also brought lunch today so we had our lunch talking happily and munching on hersheys afterwards.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now