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I couldn't be more happier guys. With all the reads I've gained 100 followers. You guys are really really awesome and my main inspiration to keep writing 😄😄😄.

Scarlett's POV

I pinched myself for thousandth time to make sure i wasn't dreaming. We were currently lounging on a mesmerizing beach. The blue water spreaded till horizon looking like zillion crystals under the sun. The golden sand was just an addition to the nature's beauty. The temperature today was perfect. Not too hot.

My Greek god husband was lying on a hammock beside me. His already tonned skim glistening under the sun. Black shades rested on his gorgeous eyes and his handsome face looked Serene and calm. He only wore his beach shorts. His chiselled and godlike body on display to everyone's eyes. I didn't miss the looks women gave him as they passed us. Each time their hungry eyes laid on my husband's form jealously churned in my stomach. He stood out like a sore thumb, demanding attention everywhere he goes. As group of girls pass by they giggle at each other while looking at him. One of them actually approach him, scanning him with her 'fuck me right here' eyes.

"Hey gorgeous" she tries to purr.

Imma punch the bitch.

Micheal takes his shades off and gives her a heart throbbing smile which makes her blush. She is looking like a fucking baboon's butt.

"Yes?" He asks casually.

"I was thinking that you should join us for drinks."she smiles seductively and motions to her friends who smile back like a piranha.

"I-" i don't let him start as i interrupt them.

"He will not be going anywhere with you or your gang of cockroaches." I glare at her.

An offended expression series itself on her face."excuse me?"

"You didn't hear me the first time? I said he won't be going anywhere with you." I speak venomously.

"And why not?" She bitches back.

"Because he is my fucking husband" i grit out and show her my wedding ring.

"Please... As if he'll marry a bitch like you." she scoffs in disbelief.

I get up slowly and walk towards her."Get lost before i fucking kill you." I growl.

She opens her mouth only to get interrupted by Mike. "Didn't you hear what told you?! Leave. I love my wife very much and wouldn't leave her for any damn thing in this world. And especially not for hungry golddiggers and whores like you." He gets up and pulls me into his side. Girl's face morphs into embarrassment and she gets teary eyed. In next moment he scrambles away with her minions.

As she vanishes i turn to my husband and look at him with accusing eyes. He only gives me a sheepish grin.

"You are not touching me until we get back to Chicago." I declare and lay down on my hammock.

"What? Why?" He shrieks in horror and disbelief.

"You know why." I say casually and close my eyes.

"Like hell you gonna stop me."he growls and lifts me up on his shoulder and carries me back to our cottage on beach.

It's safe to say that he fucked me till i couldn't remember anything.

Rest of our days were spent in bliss. We enjoyed Bali and each other's company. Mike fucked me every chance he got. Let it be in public or in private. He didn't even spare me in restaurant. We shopped for gifts for family and friends. Clicked infinite pictures to take back home and tonnes of memories.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now