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Hey guys I'm back. Those who are still tuned to this book thanks a million times. Because i know I've been a shitty writer by giving extremely slow updates. But as a defence i was hecking depressed. But now I'm back so I'll be finishing this book in couple days since only few chapters are remaining.

I'll be doing mentions in the end note after the epilogue. So those who voted will be definitely mentioned.

Here's another update. Enjoy :)

Scarlett's POV

Anna, Jason, Clary and Alex entered the room with biggest smiles on their faces. Me and Micheal were stunned for a moment. Anna rushed and enveloped me in her arms.

"Thank fucking God you're awake. We almost lost you." She sniffled. I tightened my grip to assure her that I'm here and buried my face in her neck.

"I'm here Anna. And I'm not leaving your ass for long time"i teased laughing.

"You better don't."she warned playfully.

Alex joked about now how he won't have to handle the 'children of devil' alone which earned him a smack from Clary on head. Clary was happy about not losing her sister. Everyone was laughing and smiling after many days. Including my man, who seemed carefree again not tensed after ages.

All the while Jason was quietly standing at the entrance with an emotional face. I noticed it and raised a brow at him. He just shook his head and continued staring.

"Guys can you leave for few moments? I have to talk with Jason alone. Please?" I said to everyone. And of course Michael was first one to object.

"Why alone? You can talk whatever you want to infront of us."he said angrily.

"Michael please. Just few moments."i pleaded and gave him puppy dog eyes.

He huffed and stormed out. Everyone excluding Jason followed him. As they shut the door i motioned Jason to come as sit beside me. He quietly sat down and stared at his fingers not uttering a word.

"Why are you so quiet?" I asked him after a brief moment of tense silence.

He didn't say anything and continued to stare at his lap. After few seconds his shoulders started to shake as if he was crying.

I immediately lifted his face up only to find tears streaming down his face followed by small sniffles.

"Hey hey Jason, what's wrong?! I'm here all alive and fine. Please don't cry."i said wiping his tears. My own eyes watered looking at him.

"You don't understand scar, we were so scared. I was so scared of losing you. And i almost did. It was horrible seeing you in hospital bed, pale and cold as if you were a corpse. Everyone was afraid of your condition. Aunt Stella was hysteric. Anna, alex and Clary were depressed. I was depressed. Don't ever do something rash like that again you hear me." He yelled last part.

I was simply looking down and whimpering. I know what i did was rash but i had no other option. I couldn't simply let them die. Especially Michael.

"Look Jason. It might appear rash to everyone of you but i don't regret anything. I couldn't just simply let my bestfriend and boyfriend die." I said meekly.

In return he just sighed. "I don't know what to say then. I'm happy you're okay and recovering fast. As the matter of fact I'm happy for both of you. I know i hated Michael for what he did to you, maybe i still do but i saw how he really feels when everything happened." He said.

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