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Sorry for late update. I was gonna update on Sunday but things kept coming up. Anyways here is another chapter. I hope you all like it.

Micheal's POV

"Send me the documents tomorrow. I'll review then before signing. Also set a meeting with Mr. Lee in this week." I tell my assistant as she writes it down.

"Done. Anything else sir?"

"No. That's all for today. You can go home."

She walks out after closing the door. I groan loudly and lean back in chair and close my eyes. My head throbs from all the paperwork and shit. And I'm ready to call it a day.

I quickly finish the work and lock the office. The mouthwatering smell of home cooked meal assaults my nose as i enter our apartment. I keep my bag on the couch along with my blazer and walk into the kitchen.

Scarlett had arranged the table. She greets me as soon as i sit down. I order her to kiss me and she complies without wasting a moment. We have a delicious dinner in comforting silence. As we finish she says that she has to tell something.

"What is it?" I ask smiling.

"I was thinking about adopting a child." She said nervously.

For a long time no one said anything. I only stared at her while she looked down to her fiddling hands.

"I need time to think." I tell her. I could tell she was very tense by my reply. But adopting a child is a very big step. We need to think through before deciding anything.

"Alright."she said with a smile which does not reach her eyes and she gets up. Without even glancing at my direction she starts to clean up the table. I sigh. I can't stand her being upset at me.

"I'll have shower and join you in bed."i said and walked into the bedroom. I have a long soothing shower. When i get out i find my wife on bed, already under the covers. I quickly walk to the closet and put on black boxers. After discarding the towel in hamper i get into the bed under covers. I immediately pull her into my chest and kiss her forehead.

"Don't be sad baby. I didn't refuse. I just need to think. We need to think about it. I know you adore children." I said kissing her head repeatedly. She doesn't say anything. After few seconds i hear her tiny sniffles. Panicked i lift her head up.

"Woah why are you crying baby? Did i say something wrong?"

"N-no. I.. It's, why me?" She sobs "why can't i get the joy of being pregnant like every other woman?!"

Her cried filled with anguish twist my heart painfully. I hold her tight as her body shakes with painful sobs. Feeling her cry makes my eyes water. This is something i cannot correct. I dreamed to see her belly swell with my child. I wanted to experience every little thing with her. But fate was never on our side. And Everytime my angel got hurt. Punished wrongly.

"Don't cry my flower. Everything will be alright." I tried to calm her while my own tears flowed out of my eyes.

What could i say more?! She always wanted a child but she was robbed of it very cruelly. And if she wants to adopt a child I'll make her wish come true.

"Sshhh now. Go to sleep." I stroke her hair. Soon her sobs turn into soft snores. I lay her back on the bed and brush away the stray hair on her face. It saddens me to see her swollen eyes and red nose with tear marks on her face. I kiss her plump lips and get out of bed. After retrieving my phone from the table i walk out of bedroom into the living room.

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