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Six years later..............

Micheal's POV

Today was big day. Finally Wilson Enterprises Inc. was going to be handed over to me legally. I was more than excited to become CEO of my dad's company. We had kept a small formal function to celebrate. Company's employees and few other important people like friends and family, investors were invited. The function was planned in one of our grand hotels in Chicago.

After i left highschool i competed my business management degree from Harvard. I joined my father's company as an intern and started taking training for the position of CEO. Fout years I've been working hard for the position and today finally I'll be the king of business.

Dad had previously decided to hand over the company after i hit 28 but seeing my progress in corporate world and the profits of the company he decided to retire early.

I stood infront of bathroom mirror for good 10 minutes gawking at myself. No wonder women throw themselves at me. I smirked.

"Mike,  honey are you in bathroom?" My mother's sweet voice came from outside.

"Yes mom." I replied back.

"Hurry up and come down for breakfast. Your father is waiting. " she stated.

"I'll be down in a minute." I said. I heard my bedroom door lock with soft thud.

I took a nice warm shower, brushed my teeth and applied my favourite colonge on my bare body before wearing a black button up and black slacks. I think i look hot in all black.

I made my way to dining table where my family was seated. "Morning everyone." I chirped happily. They all greeted me back.

"Micheal." My father called out and i immidiately concentrated because my father only uses my full name when he is completely serious.

"You will be coming with me to office today for preparations. I have to discuss somethings before i hand over the company to you." He said in strict business tone.

I nodded my head maintaining same stern expression.

After breakfast me and my dad headed to our company building to discuss some imporatant matters like amendments, schemes, shares and stock, profits and future plans of our company.

Day went by in discussions and other office work. The clock struck 5 by the time we finished. I had two hours before gathering commences.  

We went home and got ready. I wore a black tuxedo with black shoes.

We arrived at hotel one hour prior to ensure everything was okay.

Round tables and chairs were neatly arranged and drapped with white table clothes across the hall. The cutlery was also finely arranged with a small vase and a single rose in it in centre of table. The place gave perfect vibes for formal event.

Around 6:30 people started gathering, each one of them wearing tuxes and formal gowns. Women were practically drooling on me but i didn't give them a single fuck.

Perks of being handsome.

Making his way in came Mark, my highschool bestie and royal pain in my ass. He immidiately grinned and made his way towards me as soon as he saw me. I smirked.

"Hey man." He chirped and gave me a bro hug."Finally you get chance to become controlling asshole." He mocked.

"Shut up. Where is margarett?" I asked.

"She will come along with rebeccah. They will be here in some time." He told me. I nodded.

Exactly after 2 minutes two beauties walked in. Rebeccah and margarett. Rebeccah was wearing maroon flowy silk gown with maroon lipstick and margarett was in lavender strapless knee lenghth dress which hugged her perfectly everywhere.

Me and mark were staring at them until they reached us. Rebeccah gave me a small kiss on cheek and congratulated me. Margarett too congratulated me.

Soon it was time for procedures. My dad went on stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, i welcome you here to witness my company to be legally handed over to my son micheal. I hope he takes our company to new heights. Let's celebrate this moment together." He announced.

Hall erupted in rounds of applaud. He nodded at me and that was my cue to go onstage.

I signed all the necessary legal documents for completion of procedure and everyone clapped again.

"Thank you everyone for your support and exhibition of your trust in me. Wilson Enterprises Inc. is indeed a huge company which is successful because of all the collective hardwork of it's employees, investors and management. I intend to take it on bigger levels. Together you and i will make our company the most successful oraginization in business world. I promise to reward the best and expel anyone who defies our company. Once again, thank you everyone for support, faith and love. I request you all now to enjoy rest of evening." I finished. Everyone applauded enthusiastically. My mother was in happy tears. My father's face held a proud expression. A wave of extreme enthusiam and optimism washed over me and i vowed to myself to make my company king of business world.

I exited the stage and went to table where my friends were seated. My other two friends from highschool alessio and chris along with emil and emily had joined already.

I still remember my highschool days. We would ditch our classes and go on long drives almost every week. I was the dominant one so our group was most savage and cool. Rebeccah was bitch back then and surprisingly she still is. Margarett was biggest nerd. Mark was madly in love with margarett. He would follow her like lost puppy. He even found her pimples cute. Gross i know. Emil and emily were 'tom and jerry' twins, thats what we called them because they always fought but didn't go an hour without each other. Rebeccah was queen bitch who loved to gossip and flaunt her fake looks. She was party dog. Dog because she always sniffed parties around and attended them.She always thought she owned me and easily got jealous when some hotchick flirted with me, she still does. Even i'm surprised how am i still in contact with her.I was typically a playboy. Girls threw themselves at me, so i had fun around. What? It's not my fault. I mean not everyone gets good looks and good physique.

Talking about good physique and looks, my final year in high-school was much more inreresting because of a particular ugly, obesse girl scarlett who fell madly in love with me and ended up with broken heart just like others. I mean if you really want me, get a token and stand in line and if you are worth it i will give you one time good, hard, steaming sex. This dosen't apply to scarlett because she was a major turn off. I never saw her after our last paper. Probably she keft Chicago.

Who cares anyways?!

But that one kiss we shared in corridor i still remember. It was most  intoxicating, sensual kiss i ever had. The way her lips moved against mine. I left her there implying that i was just completing our agreement. Only if she had good physical features i may have given her a chance.

After some time dad and i went to guests for introductions and formal talks. I became tired after so many introductions. I know half of those people. Clients and business associates. I excused myself and retreated to my table.

Everyone was staring with wide eyes at what i presume is chris's phone screen. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and asked what was all the fuss about.

Chris handed over his phone to me. What i saw had my jaw on floor and eyes out in air.

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Love you all.


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