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Thank you  Surbhi8859, ChelseaKireia and all other voters and readers for all the votes. You guys are literally my inspiration.

Scarlett's POV

I flinched away from him but he tightened his hold on me and yanked me to him. He shook with anger. My small frame was squeezed between his arms and chest.

I started rubbing his chest slowly in order to calm him down. He relaxed a little bit his anger didn't dissipate.

"Michael please listen to me. Lot has been happening recently and i want some time alone to think everything out." I tried to lie through my teeth. But he saw right through me.

"Time to think what Scarlett?!" He yelled on top of his lungs. I flinched back.


"Don't fucking utter a word. You think I'd let you go knowing that crazy bastard is out to get you?!?! Are you out of your fucking mind?!?!?!!!!" He screamed again on my face.

Tears pooled my eyes and i dropped down my head. "You don't understand." I mumbled slowly.

"Yeah right."he scoffed and set me down on bed. He got down from bed and stormed out of room slamming door shut behind him.

Silence engulfed me. I sobbed silently on bed. Everything was my fault. I always manage to make people hate me. But this was for his own good.

The loud vibrations from my phone caught my attention. I furiously wiped my tears and picked the phone. The screen displayed unknown number. I furrowed my eyebrows and debated whether to take the call or not. After few moments of internal battle i recieved the call quickly.

"Hello? Whose this?" I said in hoarse voice. I was replied with silence and heavy breathing on other side.

"Hello?" I said again. No answer.

"Hello?? Are you deaf?" I snapped. Still no answer. I let out a frustrated sigh and cut the call.

I kept phone back on the table and leaned back and closed my eyes. Suddenly door was opened and slammed against the wall roughly. I jerked and snapped my eyes open. Before i could say anything i was crushed into a hug. Familiar smell of aunt Stella's perfume hit me. I held her tightly and let the tears flow. We said nothing as we hugged the life out of each other. Her body shook with silent sobs. I buried my face in her neck and cried silently. I missed her motherly warmth so much. I needed this.

She pulled back and wiped my eyes with her shaky hands. "How are you feeling sweetpea?" She croaked out.

"I'm fine" i mumbled.

She sat down on chair beside me and took my hand in hers. "Michael informed me about everything that happened while i was gone." She said. I only gave her a stiff nod.

"We should tell the police about him." She said.

"Hmmmmm. I'll file a complaint again when i get discharged. I'm so tired of all this aunt. Sometimes i feel like just disappearing somewhere without telling anyone. Everyone around me is suffering because of me. It hurts setting Michael like this. I'm constantly paranoid about his wellbeing." I sniffle.

"Shhhhhhh sweetheart. Nothing is your fault. It was all started by hi-" she was cut mid sentence by my vibrating cell phone.

I sighed and picked up the phone from table. It was call from same unknown number. Anger surged within me.

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