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Scarlett's POV

"Jason!!!!!" I exclaimed loudly.

"I missed your voice." He said softly.

"Me too. So, what's up?" I asked in excitement.

"Nothing interesting so far. I was wondering if......." he trailed off.

"Wondering what?" I asked in confusion.

"If we could meet up today or tomorrow." He sounded excited.

"Ummm not possible today but tomorrow we can hang out." I said remebering my plans for today.

"It's a date." He added instantly. I saw it coming already.

I hadn't dated forever. And after what happened between me and micheal the idea of dating didn't set well with me. I had to go through depts of hell to get over him. They say one sided love hurts, yes mister it hurts like a little bitch. But now i have to move on or atleast try to. So i'm gonna pull this little stunt. Testing myself.

"Oh. Okay. How do i dress then?" I asked.

"Surprise me." He said mischeviously.

"Say no more." I shot back with equal mischeif.

"Mmm always up for challenge, i like it. Anyways i will text you time and pick you up from your apartment. See you tomorrow."

"See you. Bye." We hung up.

Jason and i met in gym. He was my substitutional trainer for a day. We instantly became friends due to his bubbly personality. He was around six feet with incredible muscles, extremely toned. His hair was darkbrown always gelled to one side, some of traitorous locks always adding to his sexy looks.His grey eyes always shined with happiness and humour. He had a sculpted jawline and well-defined cheekbones.He had ability to make anyone smile.Jason has been a good friend so far. I knew that he liked me by the way he always looked at me. Hope and adoration adorning his eyes.

I was happy. Finally i was coming back to normal. But i instantly felt giddy. Bad vibes. In my case they were always true. I felt something big was to happen and it surely won't be a good news. I shuffled my thoughts and called Anna. As always she picked up on second ring.

"Scarlett." She said.

"Good to hear it finally. Cancel my all appointments tomorrow if any. I gotta be somewhere." I said.

"What are you wearing on tomorrow's date?" She asked laughing. My jaw dropped.

"How did you-" i was cut off by her triumphant voice.

"You sounded nervous. And plus mr. Melson called into office before calling you. I just put pieces together."

"I can fire you for that."

"I know you won't." I rolled my eyes.My bestfriends knew me more than myself.

"Yeah. I won't. Anyways you can take a day off if you want." I smiled.

"No. I intend to finish all the work before weekend. " she spoke in utmost denial.

"As u wish party bug. Now lemme drive. Bye." Did i tell you Anna loved to party?! No?! Well she is party addict, yet reserved at same time.


By the end of my last call my head was throbbing as if it had it's own headbeat. I slumped on sofa, weirdly disorriented for few minutes. My phone buzzed.

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