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OMG guys taming the devil  is on 118k reads and still counting. Thank you guys so so so much from deepest parts of my heart for your amazing response.

Scarlett's POV

I woke up feeling utterly exhausted and weary from my deep slumber. Michael was wrapped around me and sleeping like a baby. I smiled at his handsome sleeping face and kissed his hair. I took my sweet time to observe my sleeping husband's Adonis like face. His every feature reminded me how lucky I'm to have him. With a last Peck on his nose i carefully slid out of his iron grip. That was a task in itself. I wore his shirt that was lying on the floor. My core was aching from our steaming activities last night.

After making sure he was still asleep i trudged to the bathroom to do my morning routine. I looked into the mirror as i was washing my hands. My face had a bright glow on it with a large grin plastered on it. My neck had angry red and purple marks all over it. It only reminded me of last night filled with passion and pure carnal pleasure. I snapped myself out of those thoughts and went out. Micheal was still asleep as i tiptoed out and went into the kitchen. I walked into the living room and glanced at the clock.

"Damn i didn't realize it was noon already." I mumble.

I saw no point in making breakfast a it was already lunch time. I decided on his favorite rice and Curry with roasted chicken. I quickly got into the kitchen and began preparing for lunch. 

I was humming slowly as i was stirring the pot of curry. Suddenly pair of hands snaked around my waist and his extremely sensual husky morning voice blessed my ears.

"Do you know it was very disappointing when you wake up and your wife is not the first thing you see. Especially on first day after marriage." He purred into my ears and his hot breath fanned my neck . He kissed my neck making my senses go haywire.

"Sorry. I was just making lunch as it is already noon." I whisper breathlessly. Trying to keep my attention on the food.

"That's not the excuse flower. Looks like my wife needs to be punished on first day of our marriage."he purred again.

"Michael....."i whined like a baby and tried to wiggle out of his tempting arms. "Go and brush your teeth. Lunch will be ready by then." I chuckled and pushed him away. He groaned in defeat and started walking back to room but not before giving me a stink eye.

"Oh and i almost forgot....." I said and switched the gas stove to low heat. I slowly walked towards him. I snaked my arms around his neck and pulled him closer."If it'll make you feel any better my dearest hubby.... I'm gonna take a shower after lunch. You can join me."

I winked at him as he growled and quickly captured his lips into a taunting kiss.

"I'll hold you onto that Mrs. Wilson."he smirks as we pull back. My stomach does a flip in delight at his words. Being called Mrs. Wilson gave me immense joy. Because now whole world knows this sexy Greek god is mine. Exclusively mine forever.

"Sure Mr. Wilson." I smile sweetly i walk back into the kitchen.

Michael walks back into the kitchen with his boxers on. Nothing else. He sits down on the table as i stare at his sculpted body.

"As much as i enjoy watching you fantasizing about me and have you watch me all day, but right now we both are hungry baby." He said with an undertone of amusement.

I blush and immediately look away. I set the table and serve us both.

"Let me be the annoyingly cheesy wife and feed you the first bite." I chuckle as he shakes his head at me chuckling.

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