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Scarlett's POV

I jolted up in my bed when i heard someones sharp scream. What in the actual hell?!!

Lynn stood there with a triumphant grin on her face.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" I asked her sleepily.

"Haha very funny. Now get that sleepy butt out of the bed and get ready. I'm here for your surprise." She pulled me off the bed and shoved me in bathroom.

I lazily brushed my teeth and went to shower.

Bang. Bang. Bang. " hurry the fuck up. You are slower than internet explorer." Lynn banged violently on door. For once i was really worried it's gonna break.

"Jesus woman. Let a lady take a nice shower." I shouted back.

"We haven't got all day. So H-U-R-R-Y." And irritating lynn is back ladies and gentlemen.

After 5 minutes i was out of shower. Lynn kept irritating me till i was completely ready.

"Now what??!" I said little impatiently. She grinned and dragged me to kitchen. Aunt stella was preparing my breakfast. Lynn practically shoved food in my mouth.

I was done with breakfast in 5 minutes.She again dragged me to living room and made me sit on couch and blindfolded me.

"Ughhh!!! Why the fold?!! I can just close my eyes." I complained.

"No. Blindfold is best since i know what kind of sneaky bitch you are." I can feel her smirking.

I laughed sarcastically and held out my middle finger.

"Manners woman." Aunt stella said from nowhere. After what seemed like eternity i felt lynn putting something on table.

"Can i take it off now??!!" I sounded like an impatient child. I loved gifts. Since i had too many friends i recieved too many gifts. Please note the sarcasm.

"Yes you can." She said and i immidiately took the blindfold off. When i saw the gift my eyes brimmed with tears.

"Awe teddy bear don't you dare cry. I didn't do all this to make you teary." Lynn warned. Aunt stella was standing there with love and adoration filled expression.

On the table was a tshirt with me and lynn's happy faces, a handmade greeting card and an album. I took album and started looking through it. There were pictures of me and lynn since our kindergarden. Funny, sad, embarassing, happy, weird moments captured in camera arranged in compartments of album. Those pictures instantly brought back memories of our friendship and school life.

There was this photo of our 2nd grade where me Lynn Dylan and his group along with other children were happily playing some game among ourselves. Look at everyone now. Almost all of them hate me because i'm fat.

All those things and thought of leaving Lynn brought tears to my eyes. I started crying hugging the album. Lynn joined me. She tried to comfort me but she too was crying. Soon aunt stella joined us.

After our emotional breakdown we started preparing for our leave. Three days went in packing and preparing. Lynn helped me most of the time. We were leaving on friday.

By thursday noon everything was packed and we were ready for our departure. I never saw my dad the whole week. Aunt stella informed me that he came late and left house early. Our flight was in noon so we were not worried about hurrying up early.

Lynn stayed at my house since it was my last day in Texas. Aunt stella prepared chilly chicken and noodles. All night we stayed up and talked about almost everything. At dawn Lynn was asleep but i could not sleep probably because i was anxious about my first air-ride.

I was standing in balcony observing view one last time.

I still vaguely remember my mom taking care of me in this very house. It was used to be very homely till mom was there. But after her death our house became dark and gloomy. I recall me and lynn playing and laughing and spending good time as kids. Her parents Mr. and Mrs. Knights were always kind and loving to me. Then i thought about Chicago. Will i make new friends? Will they be nice to me? What will people think about me and my figure? Am i really ugly? All those questions started bugging me on back of my mind.

Leave overthinking to me. My conscience sassed.

"Shut up." I groaned.

I cannot unless you do. I am you. Remember?!

Ugghhh so annoying. I shut my mind off and decided to take a nap.

Bright morning welcomed me as i woke up. Lynn was still snoring loudly. She looked like dismantled barbie doll while sleeping. I chuckled. I got ready and went to kitchen.

I made coffee for me and lynn. Aunt stella probably must be emergency shopping. I drank coffee as today i was in no mood to eat. After a while lynn came down looking like a messed up doll. Her hair was going in all directions and she had that severe- insomania face. Disadvantages of staying up late. She poured herself coffee and joined me.

It was almost 10. Time to leave. Lynn drove us to airport. We never heard from my father. We had another emotional breakdown at the airport  and finally bid our goodbyes.

By each passing second i was growing more anxious. Aunt stella noticed that and asked me if i was alright. I gave her assuring smile.

Finally boarding started. We sat on our assigned seats. It was unberably chilly inside. I was freezing. I quickly put on jacket. Finally we took off. I felt like throwing up when taking off and landing. Overall ride was little scary yet awesome.

We walked off airplane and took our baggage from conveyers. I let out a huge breathe outside airport. I looked around. Chicago has a perfect weather and had that weird calming atmosphere.

"Welcome back Chicago." I whispered to myself.Lets see what's in store for me.

Scarlett's life is going to flip now. To know what happens stay tuned with me.
The beginning chapters are short. But they get long as the story proceeds.
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