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Thanks MelanieSmith090 for voting on my book.🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

Michael's POV

I watched her priceless smile as she sat opposite of me. Her big doe eyes were still scanning or surroundings. Her reaction made my heart burst with happiness. Every ounce of effort was worth it.

The candlelight highlighted her soft features in night. This felt so right. I was biggest fool to ignore and insult her all these years. I was chasing stones when i had diamond right under my nose.

But now that she is mine I'll try to make every second of her life worth it. I smiled at her fondly and took her small delicate hand in my large one.

"Did i tell you how much beautiful you are looking tonight?" I say.

She gave me a small grin."Yes. But keep saying that. Makes me feel loved." And she winked. My heart started beating faster.

My smile widened and i kissed her knuckles.

"I love yo-" I started saying but got interrupted by other voice.

"Your menu cards."the annoying wait said smiling at my girlfriend. I glared at him.

"As long as you don't want your pretty eyes to be ripped out of your face i suggest you to stop staring at what's mine." I scoffed. His eyes widened and he gulped taking a step back and lowering his eyes.

"That's better." I muttered.

Scarlett turned her gaze on me and then back to him. "We'll call you once we decide tonight's menu."she smiled politely. He gave her a weak nod and hurried away.

"You know there was no need of that."she said amused.

I scowled."Of course there was. He was looking at you. And you are mine. I don't want people looking at what's mine. Especially males."

She shook her head while smiling and took the menu. "I'll have chicken paillard with crème caramel."

I nodded and called the waiter. After few seconds he came with his notepad. The poor guy was cowering away. I smirked. Satisfied with the effect i had on him. That didn't go unnoticed by Scarlett.

"Chicken paillard and crème caramel for lady and beef bourguignon and soufflé for me. And a bottle of château margaux." I said coldly looking at the menu. He wrote the order and scurried away.

Scarlett was looking at me the whole time. She knew what i was doing but decided to keep quiet. I once again tom her hands in mine and our gazes locked.

We didn't need words to communicate. Just a mere look at each other spoke volumes. We were so lost in staring at each other that we didn't notice the waiter return with bottle of wine.

I picked up the wine glass so did she. We both cheered in unison and started our date. The minutes went by in talking and laughing. We constantly teased each other.

The food arrived early. Her eyes twinkled just by the sight of it. I shook my head laughing.

"What? Food is first love."she said pouting like a child.

"Then that makes me second?" I asked frowning.

She grinned and nodded her head eagerly and started eating.

"So much for being first." I murmured and picked the cutlery.

"I heard that."she chimed in while eating.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now