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Michael's POV

"Get out" I shouted at my employee. How dare they present half report to me. I don't give salary to people so they can present rubbish.

"s-sorry" he stuttered and immediately ran out like his ass was on fire.

I had a really hectic day. It had not been even a week since i became CEO and i was already frustrated. my employees were left too loose during these past days as we were busy in preparing for transformation of company's ownership to me.

I locked my cabin at 7:30 in evening. Jack as usual bowed me and took me home.

Delicious aroma of spices welcomed me as i stepped in my parent's house.

"Oh honey you are home!" my mom came out of kitchen and hugged me.

"yes mom." i hugged her back.

" dinner is ready. come down fast." she told me and i nodded smiling.

I went up my room smiling to myself. I was extremely happy due to my meeting with Chris's brother Nathan Jordan.

Everyone was seated on dinning table by the time i went down.

Mom served everyone dinner and we started eating immidiately.

"I am thinking of moving out into my own house" i said casually while eating.

Everyone stopped eating and looked at me with little shock.

"What are you talking about son?" my mom asked wiping her mouth with a napkin.

" Its about time i move into my own house. I was thinking about it for a long time now." I said.

" It's a good decision son." My dad supported me. I smiled in return.

"As you wish. We are here to support you in your every decision." My mom smiled softly.

I returned the gesture and we resumed our dinner while chit chatting.

I crashed onto bed immediately after i came in my room. My mind wandered to scarlett.

Soon baby. I will have you with me. Live your freedom all you want till it lasts because once you come back i am not letting you go. You are mine.

I smirked at my thoughts.

Nathan said that he will request scarlett to visit him urgently.

I always win scarlett jones.

With a happy sigh i fell into deep slumber.


"Good morning micheal." Nathan said through phone.

"Morning nathan. What's the news?" I asked.

"Well, i called and requested her to come ASAP. She sounded little reluctant but i am sure she won't deny" he said hopefully.

"I hope so. Anyways keep me updated."

"I will." He said and i ended the call.

Work pressure was extreme since ours was biggest enterprise in country. Huge profits means excessive stress and work. But it's worth it at end.

I returned from my second meeting. My office phone started ringing.

"Wilson enterprises" i said in authoritatively.

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