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Thankyou hiddenlily1 for all the votes.

Michael's POV

After listening to her past my blood boiled. How can a father abuse his own daughter?! She had a fucked up past. I was angry more at myself. How could i ever hurt an innocent soul like her?! I was too egoistic to notice her pain.

I didn't trust myself at that moment so i brought her back and apologized. After everything she still accepts me. Atleast as a friend. She is too kind and innocent for her own good.

After apologizing i pulled her into me. I wanted to keep her hidden in my arms away from the claws of evil world.

I looked at my angel who slept peacefully in my arms. This felt so right. She fitted perfectly in my embrace. Her brown hair cascaded down till shoulders. Eyes closed and thick eyelashes fanned her cheeks. Her small button nose looked adorable along with those pink plump kissable lips. They were parted a little while she slept.

Looking her like this calmed me. It gave me peace because my Rose was safe in my arms.

I vowed to never hurt her again. She deserves every ounce of happiness in the world and i intend to give her the same. I will treat her like a queen because she is my queen.

I promise scarlett that i will try to make you happiest woman in the earth.

I checked the time. It was getting late so i decided to drop her home. I carried her bridal style in my arms because i didn't want to disturb her sleep. She stirred lightly and snuggled into me burying her head in my neck. I chuckled and carried her outside.

My secretary gawked at the scene so did everyone in the office. I carried her to car and placed her in passenger seat and did the seatbelt. Then i slid in driver's seat and drove towards her aunt's house.

Scarlett's POV

"Wake-up."someone said caressing my cheek softly.

I squirmed and slowly opened my eyes. I scanned my surroundings to find myself sitting in a car parked infront of my home.

Michael was smiling softly at me. I grinned.

"We're home already?!" I asked yawning. He chuckled.

"Yes my flower. As much as i would like to keep you with me all time i cannot."he sighed.

I cupped his face."We will spend more time together while I'm still here okay? I promise."

He grinned and gave a peck on my lips. I hugged him and got out of car.
Once i was inside i heard car speeding away. I smiled and went to my room.

Next few days went quickly. And honestly i was in seventh heaven because me and Michael spent more time together. I got to experience his goofy side. He was a total gentleman and i completely adored him.

Soon it was aunt Stella's birthday. Lynn came over previous day to prepare everything. Michael was going to bring cake. Dylan also asked if he can join. We obviously said yes. Lynn was shocked about Dylan's friendly behaviour. But i was happy. I finally had everything i always wanted. Friends. A caring boyfriend. Although we still were on our'getting-to-know-each-other'stage. And finally aunt Stella who was my aunt, Mom and dad.

Kathrine took aunt Stella out in the morning so we can prepare everything. Me and Lynn began our preparations. Soon Dylan joined. Michael informed us that he would be joining us later with cake.

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