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Scarlett's POV

Micheal was fuming with anger. If he would have been some cartoon character then the smoke would have been coming from his ears. I stood there like a freakin statue.

"I told you to stay the fuck away from my girlfriend. Cannot you seriously mind your own business? You are extremely fat as well as most stupid creature i came across my whole life." He spat.


The fuck is wrong with these people. I mean excuse me mister your shitface girlfriend started it and you have no right to insult me like this.

"Excuse me! Rebeccah or whatever her name is started it. She came all over me with her two bitches and broke my phone. So i slapped her. You see bruh it's tit for tat. Clear as day. Now stop accusing me like a highass criminal and put leash on your bitchy girlfriend" i said in same tone.

Ha! Take that. I have no plans of backing out today so suck it up. I stared at him.

He was clearly taken aback by my words. Once again i was freakin centre of attaraction for everyone.

He paced towards me very slowly staring directly into my soul.

Shit! Time to flee. But before i could get my ass out of there he gripped my hand. The contact of our hands sent tingles and shivers in my body. Butterflies were creating chaos in my stomach. My senses stagnated. His addicting masculine perfume attacked my nostrils, the only thing which functioned in my body was my olfactory sense. I swear i wanted to jump on him and eat him out completely.

Micheal was dragging me along the corridor roughly. He had death grip on my wrist. That's going to leave a mark. He kicked open a door of an empty classroom and pulled me in. He locked the door and left my hand. I don't want to know what's he upto.

"You have a snarky mouth hippo. No one and i seriously mean no one has ever dared to embarass me like that in front of many people. Especially in school. You are a fucking useless piece of shit. You think you are cool because what you did with rebeccah. But according to me you are ugliest and most useless organism that ever existed on this very planet. Last time i'm telling you don't fucking test my limits and stay out of my way. Next time you mess with me i will make sure you regret moving to Chicago." He said in dead tone.

Tears glistened in my eyes. All my life i have been dealing with bullies. For once why cannot they leave me alone. I thought my life would change. But it seems like fate just loves to play games with me.

When no response came from me he came closer. The close proximity between us was already making me way too much uncomfortable.

"Did u hear me?" He asked in losing calm tone.

"Ye-yes" tears flowed down.

"Very well. Now fuck off and never show me your hideous face again."

I ran out crying like a little child who was badly scolded for being mischevious. I walked out of school and asked directions to park to people walking on footpath. It was 10 minutes walk.

Thankfully i found a bench in little secluded area.I examined my wrist, it was black and blue because of pressure that dumbass exerted on my hand. After settling down all those memories hit me like a train and i burst out crying.

Never once in my life i had been insulted this extremely. I was used to bullies but when it came to micheal wilson my every emotion heightened and seriously don't know why.

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